• Write a short report in which you determine one change you wish to make in your personal or
professional life and develop a plan to implement the change.
This change could mean anything from introducing a new system into your studies at University
or in a voluntary association you are involved in or a new health plan for yourself. You can choose
the nature of the change but it should be something you can realistically seek to achieve.
You will need to define the change you wish to make and how you intend to make it, indicating a
timeframe for its implementation. You should then apply the concepts, frameworks and ideas
from the course so as to enhance the chances of the change being successfully implemented.
We would like you to write a report detailing your programme of change. You should outline
why you selected this change, the planning process, and how the change will be implemented.
Identify any resistance and challenges as well as how they might be overcome.
You may refer to any of the materials and tools introduced on the course but must: state clearly the
nature of the change you wish to bring about, why you wish to introduce it, and the timeframe
involved; use the Force Field Analysis framework to illustrate the driving and restraining forces
acting upon you as you began the change process; assess likely resistance to change and how you
plan to overcome it; use the planned approach to change.
The report should be 1500 words in length (+/- 10%) and it comprises 30% of total course marks.
Marking Scheme (Part B)
Rationale, nature and timeframe of the change 20%
Force Field Analysis of your chosen change 30%
Critical assessment of resistance to change and realistic plan to overcome it 40%
Presentation/professionalism of Report 10%
• Do not search the internet for information and merely present it as your own
• Be prepared to put in many hours of independent study and research
• Wikipedia, UK Essays (and similar websites) are NOT professional sources and use of them will
be marked down
• Choosing overtly obvious choices increases the chances of plagiarism matches
• Plagiarism is taken very seriously and the consequences are severe
• Assignments are to be submitted via Turnitin ONLY
often repost when Tess Daly uploads a post wearing their products and always praise her for looking beautiful. This gives off a valuable message to anyone who isn’t necessarily confident in themselves to accept their differences and embrace who they are whether it be through makeup or clothes. Although there has been development in diversity within the fashion industry, disability is something that is not represented enough. Disabled models are rarely seen on runways, adverts or in magazines. Reichart Smith and Sanderson (2015), have developed on the discussion of “the opportunities provided by social media platforms that empower women to counter mainstream stereotypes directed at the female body and subvert conventional forms of the gaze through the use of the selfie, and self-present outside traditional gender norms”. This shows how women, no matter their sexuality, gender or body type can use social media platforms to post non-normative selfies to challenge dominant ideals of feminine beauty. The benefit of Pretty Little Thing promoting all types of people is that no one will feel discriminated against and will feel as though they can be accepted by the brand, making them want to buy the products and even promote them.
Blogging has been a way of empowering women and allowing them to use their interests, hobbies and skills to create a career for them and be independent. “Popular discourses about the role these platforms play in economically empowering women can be ascribed to assumptions about the merits of highly individualized, flexible employment conditions, especially for female workers aspiring to combine professional and domestic responsibilities. Although findings about the persistence of gender inequalities in digital media industries have productively challenged to be valorized through such hybrid neologisms as mom-preneur, etsy-preneur and blogger-preneur. “(Gill, 2008.) These jobs give all women huge opportunities to show who they are and what lifestyles they lead. This could be from a single mother to a student, which shows that blogging can appeal to all ages and bring new openings to all women. Therefore, by Pretty Little Thing using these women to promote their brand they are encouraging and empowering these women to carry on doing what they do and showing society that women can be independent and powerful, especially through fashion.
Overall, social media has allowed brands like Pretty Little Thing to develop and make the brand exactly what they wanted it to be. Social media has also given high-street brands a opportunity to