Airplane physics



Your group decides that it wants to optimize its plane for speed, meaning that you want to design a plane that has the highest possible velocity. To complete your design, you go through the following steps (make sure to SHOW YOUR WORK):

1. To begin, you decide to focus on the power system of the airplane, because it provides all the energy that creates thrust for your plane. You have the option to choose from the following batteries and motors. If you want to optimize your plane for top speed, which ones do you choose, and why?

Available batteries 2-cells; 650mAh 3-cells; 650mAh

Available motors 2300 kV 2550 kV

Available propellers 5 x 3
6 x 3

page1image66717184 page1image667177602. Given these choices, what is the maximum thrust that your plane can generate when beginning take off? To make your calculation, assume that your motor can only spin at 80% of its maximum when the propeller is mounted to it, and the density of air for San Francisco is 1.22 kg/m .
3. Next, you need to choose an airplane that you will mount your power system to, which will affect your ability to maneuver the plane at high speeds. If you have the following options to choose from, which plane do you choose and why?Available planes

Plane A: mass = 115g; wingspan = 30 cm; wing area = 250 cm2; CL = 0.8; CD = 0.35

Plane B: mass = 200g; wingspan = 95 cm; wing area = 1100 cm2; CL = 0.5; CD = 0.3






Sample Solution

e position of the townspeople, gazing in at the middle-class marital home.” (16). Grene’s point is a significant one as it illuminates the importance of staging in corroding the distinct lines between the interior and exterior world. The set of the bourgeoise household may be constructed to appear superficially private but it is, in fact, a stage. This means that it is designed for the sole purpose of being gazed upon and dissected. In this sense, there is a definitive and noticeable breach between the domestic household and the external world as the audience observes the bourgeoise home. This, Branislav Jakovljevic posits, means that “the reality of the stage is always measured against the truth of the outside world.” (432). In other words, the facade of the ideal household is exposed by means of the audience witnessing its gradual undoing. But the inhabitants of outside world are not embodied solely by the audience. Instead, they can also be seen in Krogstad’s letter which is an artefact of the outside world. The letter is inimitable proof of Nora’s fraud, which makes it a distinctly financial object. This links closely to ideas of capitalism and financial security that are already deeply rooted in the household. Similar to Krogstad’s first appearance, the letter arrives through the front door and sits, out of reach, in the letterbox “There it is. – Torvald, Torvald – we’re beyond rescue now!” (159). Nora’s inability to access the letter is indicative the fact that her household is longer a private space. It is open to the influences of the outside world and cannot be shielded from them. As a result, Nora is forced to face the reality of her deception, knowing that resistance is futile. The futility of Nora’s predicament is significant as it points towards the irrevocable change that the household has undergone. It is utterly compromised by the pressures of debt and capital and, despite Nora’s best efforts, it cannot be concealed. In this sense, the contamination of the household by outside forces is an inevitable process of change that cannot be placated.

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