International finance



Reflectively discuss the new knowledge you have learnt during the first 6 weeks of
the lectures and seminars of this module.
2. The theory of absolute advantage and comparative advantage (500 words)
What are absolute advantage and comparative advantage? Explain these two
concepts and demonstrate your understanding by using a two-country and twoproduct model. To simplify, the resources required for production are measured by
hours needed to produce certain goods.
3. Forward and future contracts (300 words)
Compare and contrast forward and future contracts by discussing a minimum of six
differences between them
4. The trade balance and J-curve effect (500 words)
a) Explain why a stronger dollar could enlarge the US balance of trade deficit.
b) “A floating exchange rate will adjust to reduce or eliminate any current account
Is this statement accurate? Discuss
c) What is a “J-curve effect”? Explain
Note: This academic essay should also include a brief introduction and good conclusion.
The word count is given only to the main sections of the essay.




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Ginseng Products from Korean and Chinese Markets Essay

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Ginseng Products

Ginseng in the Early Modern Period

Ginseng Nowadays


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Ginseng is a plant. Three significant spices are called ginseng: American ginseng, Asian ginseng, and Siberian ginseng. Nonetheless, the last sort isn’t correct ginseng since it doesn’t contain ginsenosides, commonplace ginseng segments that are viewed as helpful because of their therapeutic properties. Ginseng is utilized for various purposes. For example, it improves memory and disposition and diminishes weariness.

Additionally, it is accepted that ginseng forestalls and treats cold and influenza, various kinds of malignant growth, diabetes, and numerous different illnesses. There is a blended assortment of ginseng items, for example, enhancements, pills, and beverages. The paper plans to dissect the article via Carla Nappi and the examination of certain types of ginseng items from Korean and Chinese business sectors.

Ginseng Products

Ginseng items are sold at specific Asian stores. There are a couple of spots where individuals can purchase Chinese and Korean ginseng items in Ontario, Canada. T&T Supermarket and PAT Central market are instances of such places.

T&T Supermarket is situated at 222 Cherry Street. T&T Supermarket is an Asian grocery store that offers a wide scope of Asian and western goods and prepared food. Some Chinese ginseng items can be found there, ginseng tea, quaker ginseng drink, and dried ginseng. Chinese ginseng tea comes in bundles. There are pictures of ginseng and some Chinese symbolic representations on the tea box. The Chinese ginseng tea producers express that tea forestalls malignancy and lessens physical and mental pressure. Quaker ginseng drink is light-earthy colored fluid poured in a 60 ml bottle. There is the picture of ginseng roots on the name. Quaker ginseng drink is a refreshment that vows to ensure the liver. Dried ginseng speaks to the dried underlying foundations of ginseng. These roots look like ginger roots. It isn’t stuffed, and it is sold by weight. In spite of the fact that there is no notice of what dried ginseng is for and how it is utilized, it is very notable that dried ginseng improves mind capacity and disposition and lessens pressure.

Some Korean ginseng items can be found at PAT Central. It is situated at 675 Bloor Street West, Toronto, Canada. PAT Central is one store of the chain PAT MART named Canada’s first Korean market. There is a blended assortment of Korean items. Such ginseng items as ginseng remove pill, Korean dried ginseng root, and red ginseng latte are sold there. Korean ginseng extricate pills are dark pills that contain the dynamic parts of Korean red ginseng. These pills are prescribed to take to control weight and improve charisma and sexual capacity. The second ginseng item is the Korean dried ginseng root. Albeit dried ginseng roots are bundled, it tends to be seen that these roots seem as though Chinese dried ginseng that is sold by weight. Korean dried ginseng root is 6-year-old ginseng that was dried by the sun’s warmth or circuitous warmth. Individuals make tea from these dried roots to improve resistance, craving, and emotional wellness. Korean red ginseng latte is another kind of ginseng drink. It arrives in a container of a couple of parcels. Red ginseng latte is a without caffeine drink that contains the dynamic segments of ginseng as well as a wide range of nutrients.

All things considered, there are no evident contrasts among Chinese and Korean ginseng items. Most of them are introduced in different boxes with the pictures of ginseng roots and various symbolic representations aside from Chinese dried ginseng that isn’t bundled and sold by weight. The huge closeness among Chinese and Korean ginseng items is medical advantages; they are the equivalent. It merits referencing that all ginseng items (drinks, dried roots, and enhancements) are utilized to improve state of mind, mental and actual wellbeing and diminish pressure.

Ginseng in the Early Modern Period

In the article Surface Tension: Objectifying Ginseng in Chinese Early Modernity, Nappi is focused on the Early Modern time frame, the Ming/Qing lines in China, and the Choson time frame in Korea. Nappi states the “ginseng got one of the most firmly managed wares in early present day China, Korea, and Japan, and an exceptionally significant product in the contemporary worldwide medication market”1. The creator underlines that ginseng is certainly not a steady article; it is consistently in motion. Nappi states that ginseng assumed a pivotal function in Chinese and Korean culture in the Early Modern time frame. Ginseng was even utilized as cash.

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Ginseng Nowadays

Be that as it may, the significance of ginseng and individuals’ mentality towards it has changed. There are still discussions about ginseng inside the clinical network. A ton of researchers stress that ginseng has been overestimated for quite a long time. Likewise, it is demonstrated that ginseng can be a danger to wellbeing in specific conditions. For instance, specialists and medical attendants exhort pregnant ladies not to utilize ginseng items. Likewise, it is a serious common situation when individuals are oversensitive to this spice.


To summarize, ginseng is one of the most well known spices that is thought to improve mind-set, mental and actual wellbeing, decrease pressure, and even forestall malignant growth. There are numerous ginseng items, for example, ginseng tea and ginseng drinks, pills, dried ginseng roots, and others that can be found in Asian shops. Ginseng has been generally utilized as a clinical medication for a very long time, and it assumed a critical part in Chinese and Korean culture. Notwithstanding, these days, ginseng isn’t viewed as significant as it used to be in the Early Modern time frame.




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