

You are a Family Nurse Practitioner working at an inner-city clinic located in an under-served community.
You’ve noticed that a lot of your patients are exhibiting risk factors for cardiovascular disease. Customary
efforts (pamphlets) to educate your patients haven’t been successful. What are some specific strategies will
you implement at your practice to ensure your patients are routinely assessed for and educated about
cardiovascular disease in women? Consider culture, economic, and educational level.
1. Outline a concrete action plan you have developed to implement this practice change.
2. Provide a substantive rationale to support your action plan; include citations.

Sample Solution

21. Gatsby was never romantic with Daisy, but rather he was obsessed with her. For example, Gatsby purposely bought his mansion across the lake from Daisy’s house, in order to be close to her. This is a prime example of why he was obsessed with her because instead of informing her that he got a house in which she could visit, he puts his mansions across of her’s in order to see any of her movements. In addition, Gatsby every night threw parties inviting everyone in order to get Daisy to arrive to one. Gatsby reveals how desperate he was in order to get her attention. Instead of just inviting her to a small party, he purposely threw huge parties to grasp her attention on how rich he has become. Overall, Gatsby was never romantic with her since his only goal was to win her over from Tom.

22. Gatsby is admired in American literature since he is a figure/incarnation of optimism. Gatsby created his lie filled with everything a person could desire, but stayed humble by not necessarily showing off what he had to people he knew. This is why Nick started to admire him because he believed that anything could be possible, and was not discouraged by reality and peoples’ opinion through the 1920s. Overall, since Gatsby is optimistic readers could easily connect and admire him, which leaded this character to become extremely popular in literature.

23. The Great Gatsby is described as a novel about the American Dream because of the main character Jay Gatsby and George Wilson. For example, through Gatsby the reader sees the story of a man born of unsuccessful farmers who through optimism he becomes a millionaire in which he buys his mansion and his yellow car. But his secret was that he received his wealth, through dirty methods but that did not stop him. In the other hand, threw Wilson the reader sees the life of a person who has oven up on the American Dream. He has been engulfed by no motivation and self desire for becoming successful.Overall, through both of these characters, the theme of the American Dream is built upo

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