Developmental theories




Using your understanding of developmental theories, respond to the following questions.

During puberty, biological changes transform the adolescent body and mind. Using your understanding of Erikson’s psychosocial development theory, predict some of the identity problems that adolescents might have as a result of these changes.
Using Piaget’s cognitive development theory, explain the changes in adolescent thinking from middle childhood. How would this affect their problem solving strategies and predictions of consequences?
Invent some ways to use imaginary audience and personal fable as clinical or educational interventions. How can these two types of irrational beliefs be used to help change the adolescent’s world perspective?


Sample Solution
Experts in medicine and science have marveled for decades over the ways in which children develop. This fascinating area of study continues to yield many questions: “what affects child development?”, “at which ages is development most susceptible to external effects”, “what all can be done to maximize child growth and minimize detriments to it?”, and many more like these. in response to such questions, many theories have abounded. the following five child development theories are among some of the most expertly recognized and utilized today. 5 theories of child development are known, namely, Erikson’s psychosocial developmental theory, Bowlby’s attachment theory, Freud’s psychosexual developmental theory, bandura’s social learning theory, and Piaget’s cognitive developmental theory.

Account Communication

Account Communication Introduction Narrative correspondence in the instructive procedure is a demonstration of standing out for learners by talking stories. Researchers as of late have concentrated on creating account techniques for study hall guidance and learning exercises so students can comprehend their instructive experience. The principle reason for the educator is to urge students to get new thoughts and data. In any case, the study hall contains students with various qualities and capacities.

Correspondence handle that can improve the vocation of correspondence training incorporate the accompanying: oral correspondence, talking out in the open, relational correspondence, media framework presentation, correspondence hypothesis, correspondence examination and technique, class correspondence, intercultural Interaction, Language Arts Education, Linguistics, Social Linguistics Communication, Nonverbal Communication, Group Communication, Interpretation and Performance Research, Forensics, Family Communication, Dispute Resolution, Discussion, Communication Ethics, Rhetoric Theory and Critique, Listening, Argument

Correspondence subjects that can fortify global relations/arrangement incorporate intercultural correspondence, universal trade, nonverbal correspondence, correspondence in the general population, mass correspondence, correspondence hypothesis, language and social cooperation, advertising, political correspondence And debate goal. Arrangement Law is a calling principally including correspondence. It includes building significance and network through words. In zones loaded up with etymological and nonverbal aptitudes, the foundation of correspondence can be a powerful beginning stage for lawful vocations. Correspondence preparing and correspondence degrees can be utilized for abilities utilized in the wake of taking on graduate school or after graduate school. This is likewise important to paralegals and the Secretary of the Attorney.

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