Budget Interview

Principals of Elementary, Middle and High Schools all adhere to the same budgeting processes established by their particular district. Although the process to request supplies and services to operate a school are similar, these three budgets are very different. In this assignment you are asked to compare and contrast the complexity and components of the school budget between a high school, middle school and elementary school.

Learn from experienced practitioners about the process of planning and operating a school budget.
1. Identify a principal or another administrator AND a book-keeper from one school (total to interview is 2).
2. Review the interview questions (attached).
3. Review the rubric to be used to assess the assignment submission (attached).
4. Conduct the interview, using the questions provided (attached interview)
5. Your final paper should include the following sections: a) transcribe the respondents’ answers as details as possible, b) reflect on the lessons learned, c) articulate how you would apply this knowledge in the future.

Sample Solution

Thomas Hobbes

Self-interest is not necessarily evil, though it can lead people to act in morally reprehensible ways. The love of self-interest, and the consequent development of self-interest, is one aspect of a creature who is also a social, and hence moral, being. Self-interest itself can serve moral interests in a free society so long as that society has the proper foundations. The Golden Rule was soiled by the philosophers and political thinkers of the enlightenment. Hobbes may be called the first liberal in a manner of speaking since, at least, with respect of Golden Rule, he transformed it from a rule regarding duty or law, to a rule regarding liberty, or the absence of law. The difference is subtle, but of significant importance, and it comes from his anthropology, where he rejects the natural social tendencies in man.

In support of UNESCO, Pupil Support and Access (2001 p2) demonstrate the importance of inclusion. ‘Schools supported by local education authorities and others should actively seek to remove the barriers to learning and participation that can hinder or exclude pupils with SEN. Schools and local education authorities that are successful at including pupils with special educational needs meet those needs in a positive and proactive way. They also approach inclusion as part of their overall improvement strategy. Inclusion is far more than just about the location of a child’s school placement’.

The above statements strongly support the EA’s ideals of inclusion and provisions for SEN students in mainstream schools. The emphasis and legal requirements are now clearly focused on schools making sure they provide the necessary support and adjustments for all SEN and disabled students.

How effective is Inclusion?

Developing inclusion involves students, professionals, partners, parents, carers and the wider community. According to Goodland and Lovat (1993) students with impairments or disabilities do better academically when they are able to socialise with their non-disabled peers during instructional time. Supporting evidence from Goor and Schwenn (1993) also indicate that the interaction between students with or without disabilities enhances academic achievement for students with disabilities.

Inclusion and Pupil Achievement Department for Education Skills RR578 (2004 p50), clearly argues that ‘LEAs with high rates of inclusion in mainstream did no worse than those with low rates of inclusion in national tests. At KS 4 in 2002 average point score was 38.55. For non statemented pupils with SEN, in mainstream, it was 21.85. For statemented pupils in mainstream it was 16.99 and for pupils in special schools it was 2.4 points 7 times worse. Add to this the impact of social isolation and low self-esteem it is understandable why 50% or 2.9 million disabled adults of working age are not working many of whom attended special schools’.

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