Case study



Margaret, a prominent businesswoman in her late forties noted for her energy and productivity, was unexpectedly deserted by her husband for a younger woman. Following her initial shock, she began to have uncontrollable weeping spells and doubts about her business abilities. Decision making became an ordeal. Her spirits rapidly sank, and she began to spend more and more time in bed, refusing to deal with anyone. Within a period of weeks, she had suffered serious financial losses owing to her inability, or refusal, to keep her affairs in order. She felt she was a “total failure,” even when reminded of her considerable personal and professional achievements; indeed, her self-criticism gradually spread to all aspects of her life and her personal history. Finally, alarmed members of her family basically forced her to accept an appointment with a clinical psychologist.

Read carefully the case study presented above
Describe the symptoms. Try not to simply re-state the case; instead, give a synthesis.
Is this abnormal? Why? What criteria of abnormality do these behaviors and mental processes meet?
From what disorder do you think Margaret is suffering? Support your diagnosis by: 1) giving the definition of the disorder you diagnosed.
2) showing how Margaret’s symptoms match that definition. Please note that when making the diagnosis it is not sufficient to mention the disorder category (i.e., “mood disorder”), but you need to indicate the specific disorder from which you think she suffers.
Could you identify some causal factors that might be responsible for Margaret’s condition?
Describe the diathesis-stress model. How does it apply to Margaret’s case?
What course of therapy/treatment would you recommend? Briefly describe the treatment method you chose, and the expected outcomes. Justify your choice: why did you choose this course of treatment? When recommending a type of therapy it is not enough to say “psychotherapy”; instead indicate the specific type of psychotherapy.


Sample Solution






Reason for Lung Cancer

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lung malignancy diagramAmong fatal ailments mankind has not yet figured out how to treat, disease is likely one of the most dreaded ailments. Not at all like AIDS or different maladies broadly spread in nations with low expectations for everyday comforts, disease’s geology is a lot more extensive, including both rich and poor nations similarly. Among the wide range of sorts of malignancy, one of the most well-known is lung disease; the earth where individuals live in the 21st century extraordinarily adds to the advancement of this kind of disease.

The first and the most well known reason for lung malignant growth is smoking cigarettes. By various appraisals, smoking cigarettes causes roughly 86% of lung malignant growth cases, including cases brought about by uninvolved introduction to smoke breathed out by different smokers. These odds increment if an individual began smoking tobacco at a youthful age. Aloof smoking represents a lesser danger, however is as yet perilous—it is realized that latent smokers (who are generally presented to smoke grinding away or at home) have a 25% higher danger of lung malignant growth contrasted with individuals who are not presented to the smoke of cigarettes. Standard overwhelming introduction to natural tobacco smoke can expand the danger of lung malignancy by half (CancerResearch UK).

Hereditary qualities and lung maladies in one’s hereditary qualities can likewise become huge hazard components of lung malignant growth. For instance, if an individual’s mom, father, kin, auntie, uncle, or grandparent has had lung malignant growth, the odds of this individual creating lung disease somewhat increments. Simultaneously, it has not been at this point inquired about whether qualities in fact increment malignancy possibilities, or they increment people’s weakness to this ailment. With respect to lung infections, some of them are known to influence the odds of malignancy improvement. Specifically, among such ailments are tuberculosis and incessant obstructive pneumonic illness. Different sicknesses like constant bronchitis and emphysema can cause scarring in the lungs, which implies the expansion of the measure of tissue in them—and as it is known, malignant growth is an uncontrolled division of cells, and the individual increase of tissues (Healthline).

Concerning other natural elements, one of the most huge among them is the introduction to asbestos filaments and comparative materials. Generally, an individual is presented to these silicate materials at the working environment: specialized works, for example, warm and acoustic protection, include the use of asbestos. These days, asbestos is restricted or even precluded from utilization, since it has been demonstrated that asbestos materials can cause both lung malignant growth and mesothelioma (disease of the lungs’ pleura, just as malignant growth of peritoneum—a covering of the stomach depression). Indeed, even non-smoking asbestos laborers have a five times higher danger of creating lung malignancy; concerning the smoking asbestos laborers, their odds to get disease are up to ninety-overlap more prominent than nonsmokers (

As it tends to be seen, lung malignancy doesn’t create all alone, yet is activated by various elements. The most importantly of them is smoking tobacco, both dynamic and latent. Introduction to asbestos materials likewise builds an individual’s odds to get lung disease. Additionally, hereditary qualities and past lung ailments can prompt the improvement of this kind of malignant growth. The solution for lung malignant growth isn’t settled, and stays a pestilence.


“Lung Cancer Symptoms, Causes, Treatment.” MedicineNet. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Aug. 2015.

“Lung Cancer Risks and Causes.” CancerResearch UK. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Aug. 2015.

“Lung Cancer Causes.” Health



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