How (if at all) did your spending change over the past year?
Consumer spending is one of the most important indicators of economic health. When we are economically healthy, we spend more, but also often spend differently both on essentials and on more fun things. In this episode, Michael Weber and Constantine Yannelis share research insights on the effect of pandemic and federal stimulus policies on spending, and what these trends tell us about an economic recovery.
How (if at all) did your spending change over the past year?
Did the pandemic make some parts of your spending more expensive? How?
Did the pandemic make some parts of your spending less expensive? How?
If it was similar to the trends in the podcast, were your reasons also similar?
Why or why not?
If it was different from the trends in the podcast, why do you think that happened?
What can we bring from thinking about these changes to improve future spending by ourselves and others?
Q2) If you had the ability to start a business, would you? what would your business do?
Making a business is a lot of people’s dreams. I personally would like to eventually start my own business, but research has thought me that it is hard to start one and even harder to prevent it from failing. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, approximately 20% of new businesses fail during the first two years of its creation, 45% fail during the first five years of its creation, 65% during the first 10 years of it’s creation, and only 25% of businesses survive 15 years or more after its creation. With these statistics in mind, would you personally still like to create a business and if so what would your business do? How do you plan on preventing your business from failing or how do you plan on maximizing the profits of your company, so you can at least make some type of financial gain?
Q3) Would it be better or worse when the kids go back to in-person school ?
As many people get Covid vaccine every day, it seems that we gradually go back to normal activities as before the pandemic. Eventually, kids will go back to school in-person. There will be different affects that it would bring. They could be better or worse. What do you think ?
sites of action, which may account for their differing effects on digoxin pharmacokinetics. Triamterene does not alter renal elimination of digoxin, but reduces the extra renal clearance of digoxin. Patients with cardiac disease are frequently treated with multiple medications and the combination of a potassium- sparing diuretic drug, digoxin and quinidine is not unusual.
– Miscellaneous Drug Interactions With Digoxin
Anti-inflammatory drugs : Indomethacin therapy did not alter digoxin pharmacokinetics in healthy adult volunteers with normal renal function , but was found to cause an increase of 45% in serum digoxin levels in preterm infants when co-administered with digoxin for the treatment of patent ductus arteriosus . The increase in serum digoxin level associated with indomethacin may also apply to adult patients since a lowering of effective renal plasma flow has been observed in patients after indomethacin administration . Administration of indomethacin to the infants was associated with a significant decrease in urinary output, suggesting that the increase in serum digoxin level was due to a decreased glomerular filtration rate and a decrease in the renal clearance of digoxin.
Rifampin : It was postulated that rifampin increased the metabolism of quinidine; in tum, the interaction between quinidine and digoxin was diminished, thereby lowering serum digoxin levels. Rifampin, an antibiotic used for the treatment of tuberculosis, has been shown to remarkably lower the steady state serum digoxin level in several patients dependent on dialysis . Therapy with rifampin produced a decline in both the serum quinidine concentration and serum digoxin concentration. Other possible explanations for the digoxin-rifampin interaction include decreased absorption of digoxin or increased biliary excretion. There is limited evidence to suggest that this in