Major Depressive Disorder

major depressive disoder is a medical condition that is commonly seen and then presents the following:

demographics, pathophysiology, transmission, screening recommendations, and current screening tests available. Then, discuss the specificity and sensitivity of one test (i.e. PSA, Rapid HIV Testing, CTA, etc.), positive predictive value, problems with the testing (i.e. cost), how the tests are performed, CLIA waiver information, what the results mean, occurrence and implications of false positives and false negatives, limitations of the test, and a final recommendation of whether or not the test should be utilized in clinical practice.
APRNs might want to consider discussing how the test can influence clinical decision making whereas nurse leaders may want to consider discussing the financial implications of testing given the epidemiological information presented

Sample Solution

Major Depressive Disorder

Major depressive disorder (MDD) is a common and costly disorder which is usually associated with severe and persistent symptoms leading to important social impairment and increased mortality. The monoamine-deficiency theory posits that the underlying pathophysiological basis of depression is a depletion of the neurotransmitters serotonin, norepinephrine or dopamine in the central nervous system. Serotonin is the most extensively studied neurotransmitter in depression. Your doctor can usually tell if you have depression by asking you specific questions and doing a physical exam. The doctor may include other standard tests as part of the initial physical exam. Among them may be blood tests to check electrolytes, liver function, toxicology screening, and kidney function. Psychiatrists treating depression can monitor progress by serially measuring severity of symptoms with a standardized scale.

owever, the history of India can not overlook the 200 year British rule over the country. Every aspect of Indian lifestyle, whether it is education, transportation, commerce, or advertising and communications, was affected by the foreign invasion. But, it was in such a time period that type setting shops, also called studios, emerged, marking the beginning of advertising created in India (as opposed to imports from England). These studios were set up for bold type, ornate fonts, fancier, and larger ads. These newspaper studios then trained the first generation of visualizers & illustrators.

The earliest of ads that can be seen, appeared in newspapers, in the form of the latest merchandise from England around the early 1700s. Other goods advertised then were patent medicines; the first brands as we know them today were a category of advertisers.


Advertising has been any business’s most important part since centuries, The very first print advertisement in English got printed in 1472 for selling a book of prayer. It’s very clear that the media today has become a very present force in India and abundance of advertisements is the result of free media. In print advertising history it can be explained by the offers which are posted in newspapers or sent through mail. It is one of the oldest medium of advertising and it has long history. During the time of William Caxton, in 1468, it started, when William promoted a book which had his first printed advertisement. Later in 1704 a person named Joseph Campbell started to include ads in Newsletter of Boston. After this, Benjamin Day got a book printed named New York Sun in the period of 1833, It was a mix of stories and advertising car. Later in 1910 the ‘Edward book of Women home book’ made a magazine ad code.

Since this time period print advertising started giving more attention towards design and glamour. Print advertising was only effective if people see them, when a person look through one or two publications he bent towards getting new details and also his observation starts which gradually increases about the things w

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