In the workplace scenario that follows, you will see the importance of a WAN and its relation to local area networks (LANs). You will also work with a tool that simulates and test network configurations, and that assignment, along with the information in the scenario, will be useful in putting together your final Cisco Network Proposal.
Wide Area Networking
Kamehameha Institute started in a single location with one desktop computer. As the organization grew, additional workstations and servers were added to and networked to form a local area network (LAN).
Now that the company has expanded to multiple locations that are geographically dispersed, it has formed a wide area network (WAN). A WAN is made up on two or more LANs connected via a router in a large geographical area.
As the network administrator, you need to ensure that the routers are configured in such a way that the traffic destined for each local network is delivered appropriately, as well as traffic intended for the remote locations.
As this week’s scenario shows, understanding how remote locations are optimally networked is important, since many firms are spread across multiple sites.
As a network engineer for Kamehameha Institute, you will need to become familiar with the Packet Tracer simulation tool from Cisco. Packet Tracer is used to simulate and test network configurations. This allows you to work out and improve upon the settings before implementing them.
Using the diagram and configuration information from your first task, create a Packet Tracer simulation.
king first at the elements of the process map, the red ovals in the process map represent the start and end of the process. The first red oval that is seen in the process map signals the start of the process, while the last red oval indicates the end of the process. The green rectangles on the other hand, represent operations or work activities. Consequently, there are about 12 green rectangles in the process map, which show vital activities or tasks. Meanwhile, the yellow diamonds signals a decision point, which involves inspection and counterchecking. In the process map for the restaurant, there are three diamonds, in which the waiter, the chef, and customers conduct inspection or counterchecking. Next, the purple triangles represent idle times or delay. In relation, there are five purple triangles, which signal idle times or waiting time throughout the process. Finally, the arrows represent movements or transportation.
Moving to the process time, each step in the process consumes a considerable amount of time. For example, it takes about 10 minutes before the customers are taken to their seats. Upon entry, the customers are held temporarily to allow the receptionist to get their names, which takes about five minutes. Afterwards, the customers are again held temporarily while the table is being prepared, which takes again another five minutes. Looking at the other stages in the process map, chef’s cooking time and the customers’ eating time tends to be longest processes. It takes the chef about twenty minutes to cook and prepare the food. Similarly, it takes the customers about 20 minutes to consume the food.