Demographics, Mission, Vision, Values, and Goals




Curriculum management and development should begin with a clear understanding of the mission, vision, values, and goals of the organization and should be done with school demographics and resources in mind. Download the instructions here and be sure to look at the demographic description terminology as purported by Dufour. You will submit your assignment here utilizing the provided template.

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Imagine a perfect curriculum– one that is tailored to your learning outcomes, with content sequencing that’s just right, teaching types that highlight your institution’s approach to learning, and everything assessed and evaluated in just the right spots. It’s a thing of beauty.But there’s a problem. A curriculum is just a big learning plan, and as new research is published and as practices change, you will be forced to make updates to curriculum content. Abnormal assessment scores will force you to revisit your sequencing and assessment approach. Inevitably, you will be faced with curriculum drift.How do you prevent curriculum drift from occurring?

formed after a $ billion merger in 18 between Banc One of Columbus, OH and First Chicago NBD.The combined Bank One was 40% owned y First Chicago stockholders and 60% owned by Banc One, to become the fifth largest bank in the nation. (Later dropping to sixth)


In 11, Banc One’s annual report announced the slogan “Building share-holder value by sticking to the nuts and bolts”, with a focus on having a good understanding of the ‘nuts and bolts’ of the business.The strategy developed was straightforward and simple to continue the success of the organization.The 1 annual report, almost identical to the prior year, cited three basic strategies


Serving retail and middle market customers through community banks, with operation on local autonomy, plus a strong central financial and credit controls


Enhancements of retail products, competitive advantages, operating efficiencies and the generation of nontraditional bank revenue source, technologies


Bank acquisitions to be treated as ongoing lines of business, with a focus on pricing and management disciplines


Banc One had many challenges implementing the above strategies.Once having overcome the major tasks profits would increase.With opportunities, risks are also involved, with risk a strong management system must be in place to succeed. Banc One overcame acquiring problems by implementing “Uncommon Partnership philosophy”.In this area Banc One would decentralize the people side of the business, centralize the paper and electronic transactions, and operations would occur under a ‘superb financial management system’.Banc One also focused on the customer needs, with strong attention given to ‘total quality management’.Banc One understood that measurement of an organizations competitiveness returns to the human and financial capital in place.Human capital was a focus with the decentralization of people.Financial capital was based on the Equity, according to McCoy.


“As to financial capital, equity is a prime determinant of growth, even survival, in the new banking environment.Banking organizations with the strongest capital positions have the most options as the industry continues to consolidate… they will be the survivors.”


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