The U.S. war in Afghanistan




Write an essay of analysis and opinion concerning Afghanistan and U.S. policy toward Afghanistan.
Write about the U.S. war in Afghanistan, the current peace talks, and the possibility that
additional U.S. troops might be withdrawn next year under President Biden, and in general what you think
might happen next year or what you think the U.S. should do. However it is also OK to write a more historical
essay, maybe just about some of what has happened so far in the Afghan War, or maybe just about the rise of
the Taliban, or if you wish you could even go back and write about the Soviet war in Afghanistan, and U.S.
involvement at that time. The only requirement is that your essay have something to do with Afghanistan and
U.S. policy toward Afghanistan, in any time period.

Sample Solution

The U.S. war in Afghanistan

After the Taliban government refused to hand over terrorist leader Osama bin Laden in the wake of al-Qaeda`s September 11, 2001, attacks, the united states invaded Afghanistan. In April 2021, President Joe Biden announced that U.S. military forces would leave Afghanistan by September 2021. The Taliban, which had continued to capture and contest territory across the country despite ongoing peace talks with the Afghan government, ramped up attacks on Afghan National Defense and Security Forces (ANDSF) bases and outposts and began to rapidly seize more territory. In May 2021, the U.S. military accelerated the pace of its troop withdraw. By the end of July of July 2021, the United States had completed nearly 95 percent of its withdrawal, leaving just 650 troops to protect the U.S. embassy in Kabul.

While a set of frameworks complement and build on each other, the delineation of the concept focuses heavily on vertical versus horizontal dimensions in a time-sliced fashion. That is, time dimension in accountability has not been of primary importance. However, it is worth noting that the time dimension is closely interrelated with a series of conceptual distinctions made in previous literature, and it may cover complementary aspects of the question concerning two sequential lines represented by administrative responsibility versus political accountability. First, the positioning of accountability actors depends on the time dimension. Civil servants usually have longer terms to serve the public interest over the long term. At the same time, they are responsible to the elected representatives of the public who tend to have “a limited time horizon” and “prefer policies that yield tangible benefits for constituents in the near term” (Posner, 2004: 137). For this reason, the priorities expressed by elected officials may be far more related to short-term issues and temporal problems instead of long-term solutions, whereas the long-lasting forms of civil service personnel would prioritize sustainable solutions to secure a long-term perspective of the citizens, both current and in the future. Second, the time frame is essential to distinguishing between two main streams of accountability. Accountability mechanisms focus predominantly on retroactive accountability for the past outcomes, while accountability as a virtue takes a proactive approach to ensuring ethical behaviors in the future. The timeline is also useful to distinguishing between ex ante accountability of the decision-making process leading up to the decision and ex post accountability where the results available from the decision already taken or where questions of compliance are identified and addressed. In other words, ex ante accountability refers to being accountable for the decision before an administrator act, while ex post accountability is suggestive of situations where administrators are accountable for the outcome of their decisions. For example, the focus of traditional bureaucratic administration is very much

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