Address the following seven parts in a Word document:Part 1: Overview of the company (one paragraph)
State the name of the company (VERIZON is the company)
Provide a brief overview of the company you selected, including a description of its business operations.
State the current market price per share.
Part 2: Income statements (one to two paragraphs)
Summarize key trends in revenues, operating income, and net income over the last 3 years.
Part 3: Common size income statements (one paragraph)
Evaluate the trends in gross margin, operating income margin, and net profit margin over the past 3 years.
Part 4: Balance sheets (one to two paragraphs)
Summarize key trends in total assets, total current assets, total current liabilities, long-term debt, and total shareholders’ equity over the past 3 years.
Part 5: Common size balance sheets (one paragraph)
Evaluate the trends in total current assets as a percent (%) of total assets, total current liabilities as a percent (%) of total assets, long-term debt as percent (%) of total assets, and total shareholders’ equity as a percent (%) of total assets over the past 3 years.
conomic environment affects the income level of the people living in the UK. The economy now is in an okay state, but I think could be better. Dream Academy Performing Arts charge £32 which can be affordable for some but could be hard on other especially with some parent only have one main earner. The impact of this for Dream Academy Performing Arts is that they may lose customers because of some families may come into problems for example redundancy. I think they are meeting their expenditure and it is profitable but obviously if they are losing people then it could bring their expenditure and profits down, I do think they could afford to make the price higher because it could turn people away which would mean they lose business. As this company does not receive any funding from the government or any local resources it is mainly funded by parents. (Anon., n.d.)
Social factors in the organisation are religion, family or wealth, this affects the organisation because the company must use equal opportunities for all children and adults.
The social factors affecting Dream Academy Performing arts are that medication is always changing, (Anon., n.d.), low numbers of carers for people with disabilities, the society opinion on disability some people with disabilities are having their rights violated and comes under the 2010 equality act (Anon., n.d.), with the 2010 equality act it covers discrimination this includes extending protection against indirect discrimination to disability, introducing the concept of “discrimination arising from disability” to replace protection under previous legislation lost as a result of a legal judgment, applying the detriment model to victimization protection (aligning with the approach in employment law) and extending protection against harassment of employees by third parties to all protected characteristics, making it more difficult for disabled people to be unfairly screened out when applying for jobs.(Anon., n.d.)
Porter’s five forces: Attractiveness of the industry
Bargaining power of the supplier
The bargaining power of Dream Academy Performing arts is high because they do not have their own venue, the venues needs to be hired every week to run their session. The venue owner has considerable influence on them on time and dates the venue can be made available. This makes it difficult for dream academy to put long term plan. The venue owner is also able to change the price of rent frequently.
Threat of substitute products:
The threat of substitute products or services is high because there are other institutions such as Walk Tall who run the similar programme and provides sessions on Friday for 1.5 hours for their academy for 8- 11 year o