Concepts of Nursing Leadership with interview

Analyze the leader’s role as it relates to a minimum of five of the major course concepts addressed (ethics in leadership, emotional intelligence, communication, conflict resolution, change theory, cultural competence/diversity, labor relations management, leadership models, management theory, motivational theory, Nurse of the Future competencies, interprofessional collaboration, and team building).

Provide a narrative summary of your interviewee’s responses to each of the concepts (but not a verbatim account) of the interview. Incorporate references to provide support and analyze the concepts you discussed. Include your impression of congruence between the leader’s self-reflection and your personal observations of demonstrated leadership. Include the following in your paper:

Comprehension: Introduce the leader, his or her credentials, title, job responsibilities, placement on the organizational chart/reporting responsibilities, education, experience, mentors, and pathway to their current role.
Application: Describe the predominate model/theory of leadership used by this leader. Describe their style of leadership.
Analysis/Synthesis: Clarify and illustrate the leader’s level of authority and influence within the organization. Discuss their sense of empowerment and efforts to empower others. Describe their intra- and extra-organizational responsibilities.
Compare your personal philosophy/style/model of leadership with this leader and share whether or not expectations/perceptions of this leader were accurate.

Sample Solution

expanded with presentation of Basic Health places and the low commonness of HIV/AIDS, polio, and so forth., we perceive how the IMR has been diminishing and with the training in regards to wellbeing, contraceptives, the Reproductive Health and Family Planning Law, and so forth we see the ensuing fall in TFR. The moderate increment in the utilization of contraceptives can likewise be an explanation behind less STDs and lower TFR. Increment in ladies’ interest in the political field just as in the workforce represents the diminishing TFR too. The most current Family Planning Law has taken the nation’s improvement the correct way. Nongovernmental associations are approved to offer prophylactic types of assistance. The wellbeing strategy is increasingly express, and the legislature has likewise found a way to improve the job and state of ladies, to ensure kids and youth, and to control urbanization and relocation. Consequently we can perceive how the Life Expectancy has step by step improved from a normal of 37-38 years in 1960 to 66-67 years in 2016.


Madagascar and Mauritius are the two nations in the African mainland yet couldn’t be progressively unique. While Madagascar is one of the world’s least fortunate nations, Mauritius is one of the most serious economies – explicitly in Africa. Mauritius has been considered to have made a fruitful segment progress and have arrived at the phase of manageable fruitfulness decay though Madagascar has not.

The decrease in fruitfulness in Mauritius is thought to be the most fast richness decrease on the planet. The test looked by Mauritius is to continue the change while on account of Madagascar, the test is to adjust and rehearse exercises gave by Mauritius.

The table shows how Madagascar has one of the most noteworthy populace development rates just as TFR. Simultaneously, it tends to be seen that Mauritius has the most minimal populace development rate and TFR and the nation has consistently figured out how to bring down these rates throughout the years.

The significant reason for contrast that emerges between the two nations that has lead to them leveling at various phases of segment change lies in the way that Madagascar is tormented by political emergency and flimsiness. Instruction, especially of ladies, is absolutely one of the most significant components that influenced ripeness conduct and added to controlling populace development in Mauritius. Around 80 percent of the populace are instructed; 75 percent of ladies in Mauritius are educated. Training in Mauritius through to college is free, with essential instruction mandatory. Work alongside instruction, added to higher expectations for everyday comforts of the populace where most by far of individuals bene ted from business. It is hard to accomplish this in Madagascar because of political chaos. It is notable that the achievement of Mauritian populace the board has been to a great extent credited to the Government’s anxiety and profound duty to decreasing the pace of populace development, through strong and broad human services administrations, family arranging programs, advancement of essential instruction, especially among ladies, and social welfare plans. The Government on account of Madagascar has been continually changing and there are profound – established basic issues. The pace of prophylactic use in Mauritius cou

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