A Developmental Issue

I. Select a Developmental Issue: Identify and research a developmental issue for children or adolescents. Developmental issues can be examined from the perspective of the promotion of healthy development, or you may select a particular developmental issue in the form of an impairment or diagnosis.
A. Describe the developmental issue you are examining for the purpose of this program evaluation, including if the issue is considered typical development or atypical development in nature.
i. What distinguishes this issue in terms of criteria, if applicable? For example, are you promoting healthy cognitive development, addressing developmental delays, or addresses an actual diagnostic mental health disorder? What are the criteria or key identifiers for the selected issue?
ii. What is the primary area or areas of impact across physical, cognitive, affective, and social domains?

Sample Solution

. Defining the Developmental Issue:

In this program evaluation, I will explore the development and potential challenges associated with executive function skills in children. Executive function (EF) refers to a set of higher-order cognitive abilities vital for self-regulation, planning, problem-solving, goal-directed behavior, and emotional control.

  1. Typical vs. Atypical Development:

EF skills typically develop gradually throughout childhood and adolescence, reaching full maturation around the early twenties. While some degree of variability is expected, significant and persistent difficulties in one or more key EF domains can be considered atypical and may indicate a developmental delay or learning disorder.

  1. Criteria and Key Identifiers:

There are no universally agreed-upon diagnostic criteria for EF-related difficulties. However, common indicators of atypical development include:

  • Attention regulation: Difficulty focusing, sustaining attention, and ignoring distractions.
  • Inhibition: Impulsivity, difficulty controlling urges, and frequent interrupting.
  • Working memory: Limited ability to hold and manipulate information in mind.
  • Planning and organization: Difficulty setting goals, planning steps, and following through on tasks.
  • Problem-solving: Struggles with approaching and solving problems effectively.
  • Emotional regulation: Difficulty managing emotions, leading to outbursts, hyperactivity, or withdrawal.
  1. Primary Areas of Impact:

EF skills underpin all aspects of development, impacting a child’s growth across physical, cognitive, affective, and social domains:

  • Physical: EF skills guide self-care activities (hygiene, dressing) and influence healthy habits (exercise, diet).
  • Cognitive: EF supports learning, memory, creativity, and academic performance.
  • Affective: EF skills allow for emotional regulation, coping with stress, and building positive relationships.
  • Social: EF aids in social interactions, communication, and conflict resolution.
  1. Rationale for Selecting this Issue:

Focusing on EF skills holds several advantages:

  • Universal relevance: EF skills are crucial for success in all aspects of life, beyond academia, making them essential for all children.
  • Preventative potential: Early identification and intervention can significantly improve long-term outcomes and prevent cascading challenges in other areas.
  • Promotes strengths-based approach: By understanding an individual’s EF strengths and weaknesses, we can tailor interventions to build upon their inherent capabilities.
  • Promising evidence-based interventions: Multiple intervention programs successfully improve EF skills in children, offering practical solutions for program evaluation.
  1. Conclusion:

Examining the development and potential challenges associated with EF skills in children aligns with both promoting healthy development and addressing atypical patterns. Understanding the various ways EF impacts child development across physical, cognitive, affective, and social domains, and employing a strengths-based approach, enables us to design effective interventions and support the successful growth of all children.


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