A movie that deals with conflict and communication




Select a movie that deals with conflict and communication. A link is included below to help you develop ideas, but you can choose any movie that is appropriate. Watch the movie and analyze how culture impacts the conflict and conflict management styles among the characters.

Write a 2-3 page, double spaced paper that reviews the movie, including the diversity of themes that you observed. Include the title of the film, the year it was produced, the main characters, and a brief plot outline. Next, address the theme or themes that you noted while watching the movie. These are some different themes that may be addressed:

· cultural differences

· issues of race

· gender issues

· religious issues

· age discrimination

· physical or mental ability or other differences

Include a few paragraphs on how the movie made you feel. Were you angry, sad, sympathetic, or amused? Analyze the message you believe the movie was supposed to make and the feelings those messages were meant to evoke. Was there an obvious conflict addressed by the film? Discuss how the conflict was handled by different characters. Support your discussion by referencing at least one of theories or approaches from our readings in the course. Was a problem solved in a way that satisfied all parties? Was there violence depicted? If so, were there better ways of resolving the conflict? Could you imagine yourself in a situation like the one depicted in the film? How would you have reacted? Conclude your paper by addressing how understanding conflict in this film will help you respond to cultural conflict.

Sample Solution

The movie I chose to analyze is Crash (2004) produced by Bob Yari and starring Don Cheadle, Matt Dillon, and Sandra Bullock among others. The film follows a diverse cast of characters whose paths cross in the wake of a car accident involving two vehicles; which ultimately serves as the catalyst for examining various forms of prejudice through intertwining stories focused on race, class, gender, sexual orientation etc..

From an intercultural communication standpoint one can observe multiple themes present in this movie—such as cultural differences between the various groups represented (e.g African American vs Latino). These differences are exemplified by scenes like when Officer Ryan (Matt Dillon) suspects Jean Cabot (Sandra Bullock )and her husband Rick Cabot (Brendan Fraser) of being armed robbers due to their Hispanic appearance or when Farhad (Shaun Toub)—a Middle Eastern shopkeeper—is discriminated against because he does not speak English fluently.

Furthermore, gender issues are brought up several times such as when Officer Hansen’s wife who was sexually assaulted by an African American couple ends up feeling more anger towards men in general instead of just focusing on those responsible; while there is also some religious discrimination depicted when Anthony’s black Muslim father criticizes him for converting to Christianity after dating a white woman.

Lastly, physical/mental ability is addressed through characters like Peter Waters (Larenz Tate) who is confined to a wheelchair yet still manages to achieve his goals with determination despite his disability; showing that physical limitations should not be seen as insurmountable obstacles.

Overall, Crash highlights how culture affects conflict management styles in different ways depending on context and how people may interact differently depending on their backgrounds or beliefs regardless of what form prejudice takes.

Lamb, S (1997) portrays the idea that poor literacy and numeracy achievement is linked to early school leaving and periods of unemployment. Evidentially, having the key fundamental skills in numeracy and literacy are essential. Students should not be able to leave school without the very minimum knowledge to be able to implement these skills in all aspects of life. Quinn, R (2011) stated that literacy and numeracy are amongst the most important life skills that schools teach. Without these skills, students would not be able to access the different subject areas; moreover be successful and have a positive effect on society. The importance’s of these skills are the responsibility of each individual subject area and should not just be thought of as being a focus for the English and Mathematics departments.

Numeracy is defined as ‘the ability to use mathematics in everyday life’ (National Numeracy, 2015). Not being able to apply mathematics in life would result in not being able to carry out the simplest of tasks needed every day. For example, being able to count change or telling the time. Besides, regardless of the subject, the National Curriculum states that being confident in numeracy and other mathematical skills is a necessity to help students be successful across the curriculum. (DfE, 2014, p.9). Undoubtedly, by incorporating basic numeracy skills in my lessons, I am not only preparing students to be successful in education but for everyday life tasks.
In the activities to be conducted, a basic knowledge of numeracy is crucial in order to solve simple programming tasks, where students are required to use standard arithmetic operators and data types. Furthermore, students need to know about these basic skills for example; adding or subtracting two integers together in order to be able to work out whether the output from their program is c

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