A relational database model allows database users to analyze data


A relational database model allows database users to analyze data thoroughly. To accomplish this, advanced commands such as “union” and “intersect” may be used.

Describe a business scenario where a “union” relational set operator may be used to merge two similar data sets.
Analyze the analysis and data consistency advantages of using a “union” operator rather than simply merging two data sets into one result table, within the context of your business scenario.


Sample Solution

A union relational set operator can be used to merge two similar data sets in a business scenario when an organization wants to build a detailed customer profile. For example, say a small retail store collects customer shopping data from their loyalty program and store checkout purchases. The two datasets may contain different information about the same customers, but the union operator can bring them together into one dataset for better analysis.

By combining the datasets with the union command, the retailer will create a single dataset that contains all of their customer’s purchasing activity which is essential to understand their customers’ needs and buying behaviors. With this combined dataset, they’ll have an extensive picture of what products each individual buys and how often they come back to make additional purchases (frequency). This allows them to segment customers based on purchase frequency or type of product purchased. Furthermore, if there are any special promotions or discounts available only through online sales or through mailings, they’ll know who would be most likely interested because they’ll have visibility into which items every individual has purchased previously along with contact details like email addresses and phone numbers in order to reach out and provide offers customized for each person’s interests.

Without using the union command, it would be difficult for businesses like this retailer to get such detailed insight into its clients’ preferences as neither data set alone provides enough comprehensive information about their clients’ habits and past behavior necessary for strategic marketing campaigns that are tailored specifically towards each person’s interests. By merging these two datasets with the union set operator though, businesses gain access to valuable insights that allow them increase sales by making more informed decisions regarding marketing efforts as well as personalizing offerings for particular segments of customers based on previous purchases made throughout multiple channels—all while minimizing labor costs associated with manually adding records one-by-one from separate databases into one unified view of customer history.

rand: going by Zarantonello and Schmitt (2010) it was noticed that customers look for brands that gives them encounters which are one of a kind and essential. This is likewise connected with taking care of remotely produced needs as well as spots them in a gathering or job and could additionally get together with inside created needs (Sreedhar and Singh 2006). Thusly this implies that the brand accomplices the customer, makes a personality inside the shopper that can be relied upon and shapes some kind of close to home security which is been constructed and accordingly makes marked networks (Schmitt and Rogers 2008). Barkus and others (2009) likewise in accordance with Fournier’s (1998) statements conceptualized brand insight to incorporate sensations, sentiments, discernments and attitudinal reactions guided by brand related improvements which structure part of the personality and plan of a brand, its bundling, correspondence and environmental factors that empower to make quality relationship and profound connection between the purchaser and the brand (such close to home connection is viewed as affection or energy, self-association, reliance, closeness and obligation to the brand). All the more thus, brand experience impacts long haul and momentary results, this can be noted in a client’s observational worth that reaches from style, perkiness, greatness of administration, and the client’s profit from speculation (Keng, Tran, and Le Thi, 2013). Percy and Hansen (2000) believe that the encounters the shopper has with the brand, either as far as genuine utilization or a horse comprehension of it, leads to close to home relationship in memory. Subsequently, the more a customer “encounters” the brand while seeing as well as hearing it, the more the brand is enlisted in the memory of the shopper which prompts profound connections. This amounts to the embodiment of an advertiser in building an unbending brand that has the reasonable sort of encounters to the client with its items and administrations combined with the exercises of showcasing that empowers the imbibition of helpful considerations, sentiments, convictions, discernments, pictures and suppositions with the brand that outcome in the boost of the shoppers fulfillment (Keller, 2003 promotion Anderson and Sullivan 1993).

Contextual investigation An examination of Tesco
UK retail is on the speed path particularly in this period of innovation and the cutthroat nature on how client drew in with brand and items. Tesco has been select to exhibit how the association oversee in-store client experience. Tesco is one of the main store brand in the UK and right now positioned as the best in-store staple store and Tesco works around 3961 stores across the UK (tesco.com, 2020). During the 1970s and 1980s, there w3as this journey among clients to look for results of value and decision, the known Tesco “heap it high and sell it modest” system was arrangement and this to be sure was not exactly fruitful as their results plunged horrendously. The fundamental reason for such sad execution was because of a to some degree unusual picture of Tesco and its items painted in the personalities of clients; taking into account the modest costs, its stores were deficiently overseen and its things were of horrendously ludicrous and poor (Albrecht Enders and Tawfik Jelassi, 2009).

Besides, to discover uniqueness in client experience through a plenty of channels, new frameworks and innovation as in regards to deals and conveyance; this put Tesco across a scope of stores and different market sections (Master MacLaurin, 1996). Hence, just to get together with the rising contest and food cost decrease Tesco expanded its scope of items (Albrecht Enders and Taw

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