A U.S.-based social problem of interest


A U.S.-based social problem of interest and then answer the following questions:

Using scholarly citations, describe the social problem you have chosen in a sentence or two.
Based on your research, what population(s) is/are negatively impacted by this social problem?
Provide 2-3 reasons why the problem is thought to exist. (Give examples of different points of view and include your sources).
Statistically, how widespread is the problem in the U.S.?
Is there a federal or state definition that describes the problem?
Name at least 2 stakeholders that have been publically involved in the social problem in some way. Describe their involvement (e.g. the National Rifle Association (NRA) is a stakeholder in the epidemic of gun violence that opposes stricter gun laws).
What does the Bible have to say about the problem (directly or indirectly)? Use scripture(s) to support your response.
Think about some of the competing functions (i.e. personal failure vs. system failure) of the policy discussed in the Segal text (see pages 6-23). Identify at least two examples that you think are relevant to the policy and describe how they are relevant.


Sample Solution

No one we know starts out life wanting to be a substance abuser or to be poor. Most of us want to be lucky, cool, rich, and successful. Some of us are, fortunately, but many of us aren’t. Poverty unemployment, unequal opportunity, and racism are examples of social problems. Unemployment is a social problem in the sense that it causes enormous sufferings to unemployed workers due to their reduced or nil income. Unemployment rate in the United States averaged 5.73 percent from 1948 until 2023, reaching an all time high of 14.70 percent in in April of 2020. High percentage of Black or African-American population in the United States are unemployed, the highest unemployment rate of any ethnicity.

He makes sense of this by contending that each of the activities of the ruler (counting those unreasonable to a specific individual) were approved, yet co-composed by people in general with the foundation of the common agreement and the production of the district. Yet again this confirms the responsibility of individuals to the top of the leviathan’s activities, and accordingly their capacity to “live by their own regulations” (Machiavelli, 20).

One more part of the Leviathan that makes it a republic, is the way that the sovereign is intended to address individuals. This is evident in the text when Hobbes states,

“lessen every one of their wills, by plurality* of voices, unto one will, which is as a lot to say, to designate one man or gathering of men to bear their individual, and each one to possess and recognize himself to be creator of at all he that so beareth their individual will act*” (Hobbes, pg.109, s.13).

As the sovereign is intended to be a delegate of individuals, he should act (or pass regulations) lined up with individuals’ needs and needs. In this way the public’s will and need frequently centered around the security of the people, direct what sort of regulations the republic will have. Essentially, the sovereign’s obligation to address the majority is talked about when Hobbes states,

“whosoever beareth the individual individuals, or is one of that gathering that bears it, beareth additionally his own normal individual” (Hobbes, pg.120, s.4).

In this statement, Hobbes certifies the mankind of the sovereign and albeit this might attract him to his confidential advantages, it additionally considers the ruler to be know about the normal adaptation of the majority (vicious demise on account of another person). Consequently such humankind considers an exact portrayal of individuals by the sovereign who is then ready to fill his need, and pass regulations that are affected by the desire of the larger part.

However generally Hobbes was viewed as a devoted traditionalist, when one considers the conservative hints of his work, Hobbesian Leviathan is both a republic and a territory, as the common agreement that established this political substance, requires the portrayal of his subjects by a flat out ruler and makes him responsible for the help and insurance of his kin. Because of this responsibility and portrayal, the regulation of the ruler or the top of the Leviathan should be lined up with the will and right of his creators (individuals), making it a standard by a larger number of people.

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