Accountable care organization payment and bundled care payment


Write 400–600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.

Due to decreased funding caused by value based models of payment, accountable care organization payment and bundled care payment, discuss the following:

What is the impact that these new payment models will have on Krona’s revenue?
Address the possible issues surrounding next year’s forecasting.
Discuss the challenges, benefits, and risks in utilizing capitation.


Sample Solution

The recent shift towards value-based models of payment, such as Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs) and bundled care payments, has had a significant impact on Krona’s revenue. These new payment models focus on providing outcomes that improve the quality and efficiency of patient care rather than paying for volume or services provided, which reduces the overall cost to payers while improving health and satisfaction outcomes (Hartung et al., 2018). As a result, providers are incentivized to reduce costs associated with unnecessary services, resulting in decreased reimbursement rates for Krona.

In addition to reduced revenues from these value-based payment models, there is also an increased administrative burden associated with them. To receive reimbursements under ACO contracts or bundled care payments, providers must first meet certain standards and criteria set by the payer in order to qualify (National Association of ACOs [NAACOS], 2020). This requires additional time spent documenting services rendered as well as more meticulous record keeping practices all at an increased cost. Thus far these requirements have proven costly for Krona leading to further declines in their overall earnings.

018). Hong Kong is a piece of China, yet the main things the Chinese government controls in Hong Kong is unfamiliar relations and the military. The populace filled in Hong Kong from 600, 000 to 6 million of every fifty years (Friedman, 1998). This populace development was because of individuals escaping from the socialist province of China to Hong Kong. A significant disadvantage to decreased monetary opportunities, is the diminished political opportunity that ordinarily accompanies it. The two issues have progressively reduced in China since the level of their socialist rule. It’s obvious that individuals favor opportunity over control from the way that individuals escaped from their controlling to country, to a free country.

Friedman has said that Hong Kong has a Free enterprise economy since government financial spending in Hong Kong is all things considered 15% of the public pay (1998). Free enterprise is French for “let it do”. Comparable to financial aspects, Free enterprise alludes to negligible obstruction in financial matters by states. Hong Kong is exceptionally near having a free enterprise economy, which has its advantages. Hong Kong is tiny in size, and subsequently has not many regular assets; regardless of this, Hong Kong’s economy is blasting. Its GDP, Gross domestic product, per capita is the seventeenth most elevated on the planet, at $61, 400 (The World Factbook, 2017). A high Gross domestic product per capita demonstrates an elevated expectation of living since there is a lot of financial result per individual. The higher the Gross domestic product per capita is, the more probable it is that general society is happy with their country, which in this way prompts a lower probability of political uprisings.

Not at all like Marx’s hypothesis that free enterprise is just a phase that is toppled by individuals who search out socialism after their disappointment with private enterprise, the Soviet Association was broken down since individuals were discontent with the socialist framework. The non-serious nature of socialism has negative ramifications on all levels. The average realizes they are ensured similar advantages paying little heed to how much work they’re doing, and the way that well they’re getting it done. The space for financial development is insignificant. At a more significant level, there is no rivalry between firms, which causes a stagnation. No monetary development prompts misery, which prompts political kickback, and insurgencies.

Free enterprise brings about financial development since it takes care of advancement through contest. China has fostered an undeniably unregulated economy. The Soviet Association was creative at whatever point they were engaged with rivaling the US, however for items just circulated inside their country, it was dependably

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