Achieving balance in developing counter terrorism plans and actions.





Describe your views on how to achieve balance in developing counter terrorism plans and actions. For example, domestically we have to balance the security of the homeland and innocent civilians with the freedom and liberty of individual citizens. Also, our overseas actions have to be effective in preventing terrorists who plot to attack us from abroad from reaching our shores without jeopardizing our values as a nation or inflaming foreign societies that just breeds more terrorism. We want to stop terrorists without taking actions that play into their evil and false narratives they use to recruit new terrorists.


Sample Solution

The human values we share and work to uphold are derided by terrorists. In the past decade, the United Nation have built on previous experience and are helping states adapt to an evolving threat that often involves new technologies. Although we are heading in the right direction, much progress still needs to be made at the national, regional, and international levels. Individual countries have made big strides, but success is measured in relative terms and major disparities persist. Countries with truly effective counter-terrorism strategies recognize the value of involving local communities, the private sector, the media, and other groups in society. They also encourage the exchange of intelligence, information, and expertise between national agencies and across borders.




Contrasts Between Conventional and Alternative Medicine

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AlternativeDoctorThe progress of science is generally accepted to have improved the nature of numerous procedures, items, and administrations. Be that as it may, in specific circles of life, customary strategies are as yet being utilized; medication is a splendid case of the concurrence of two antipodal methodologies. Alongside ordinarily perceived regular medication dependent on science and innovation, there likewise exists elective medication, which once in a while incorporates rehearses created a large number of years back. The predominance of every one of these sorts of medication have a long-standing history, as every one of them have demonstrated its adequacy; thusly, understanding their favorable circumstances and downsides is urgent for framing one’s own perspective.

The main contrast between these two frameworks is their way to deal with analysis. Traditional medication centers around the components that cause sicknesses and helping their manifestations; each variation from the norm is viewed as a free proviso, separate from the character of an individual and their condition. In contrast to its partner, elective medication considers a to be as a harmony of interrelations between a body and its condition; in this way, an ailment is believed to be brought about by a lopsidedness between them. At the end of the day, elective medication centers preferably around purging the whole framework over on restoring its specific components (Buzzle).

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