Action Research


Suppose that you have taught an introductory counseling skills course at a community college for several
years. The high proportion of students who drop out before the end of each term is, in your view, an important
problem that you need to address.
You have two weeks before your next class begins, and you can spend about one hour a day (for a total of ten
hours) deciding on a strategy to reduce the dropout rate. You are considering two options for how to spend the
bulk of your time: (1) carrying out a literature review to identify previous studies related to the problem, or (2)
designing and initiating your own action research. Name three factors you would consider in deciding which
option to choose.



Sample Solution

There are principally three management objectives. First, it ensures organizational targets and goals are met with the minimum cost and least waste. The subsequent objective looks after welfare and health and safety for the staff. The third objective protects machinery and organization resources and includes human resources. Planning involves coming up with missions, objectives and actions to accomplish them. It needs decision making, which is choosing action for the future courses among alternatives. Plans entail the overall purposes and purpose to the detailed actions taken. There is no real plan which subsists unless a decision or commitment of human and material resources has been put in place. Thus, before the making of decision all which exists are the planning study, proposal and analysis.

People who work together in groups to gain some goals should have duties to take part in. Usually, the roles have been defined and also structured by someone who ensures people contribute is unique ways towards the group efforts. Organizing thus forms part of management which involves in the establishment of intentional structures of people roles to fill organization. Intentional in all the tasks are necessary to come up with goals which are assigned to people who can perform maximally. The purpose of any organizational structure is to assist in the creation of environment for human performance. However, designing of organizational structures in not a simple managerial task since most of problems are come across in making of structures which fit situations to include defining the types of jobs which must be done and getting of human power to do them.

Staffing entails filling and ensuring filled, the positions in the organizational structure. This is performed by identification of the work-force requirements, recruiting and inventorying of the people available, selecting, promoting, placing, appraising, compensating, planning the careers and training or developing current jobholders and both candidates to achieve their duties efficiently and effectively (Koontz

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