ADDIE: Development


continue building your course, prepare a syllabus and orientation material, and prepare a lesson incorporating an online testing program.

Complete the development and implementation phases of the ADDIE instructional design model.
Create orientation materials and a course syllabus.
Create a lesson plan that incorporates a testing/quizzing/adaptive learning tech tool.
Begin work on your screencast teaching presentation.


Sample Solution

group of Nottingham workers met in private, planning to destroy machinery. They felt their skills for the crafts they had learned and mastered were being forgotten, as machines replaced labour. The physical way in which the Luddites functioned did not require literacy, yet they generated a large following, this was in part due to the amount of attention vandalising machines would receive, in the form of reward posters, that unintentionally advertised the movement. Though it must be mentioned, the Luddites did write threatening letters to officials and factory owners.

This physical approach of protest however, did not work in their favour as the hostility was eventually met by military force. Luddites being shot by factory owners was also a frequent occurrence. The motives behind the Luddites were radical, if they were politically inclined instead, they might have been more successful. In addition to the development of protest towards the industrial revolution, this also represents the drastic and violent response of the government.

This reward poster, accounts the time a group of masked men armed with hammers, clubs and pistols entered a factory destroying five stocking frames. The poster offers 200 pounds to anyone who can supply information about the offending individuals. 200 pounds was a considerable payout in 1812. However, it cannot be ruled out that this reward might also have been aimed at members within the Luddites group, as a member on the inside would have been able to bring down the Luddite movement incredi

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