Adolescents’ social relationships have been largely interrupted the past few years due to the COVID-19 pandemic


Adolescents’ social relationships have been largely interrupted the past few years due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Though research in this area is still emerging, based on your observations and what you’ve learned in the course thus far, do you think adolescents’ development of intimate relationships has been impacted by the atypical social context of the last couple of years? Please explain your rationale for selecting yes or no, including content from the textbook.

Sample Solution

Yes, adolescents’ development of intimate relationships has been impacted by the atypical social context of the last couple of years due to the COVID-19 pandemic.


Reduced Opportunities for In-Person Interaction:

Adolescence is a crucial period for developing intimate relationships, as it provides opportunities for exploring feelings, practicing communication skills, and navigating the complexities of romantic involvement. The COVID-19 pandemic’s social distancing measures and lockdowns significantly reduced opportunities for in-person interactions, which are essential for fostering intimate relationships.

Increased Reliance on Technology-Mediated Communication:

In the absence of face-to-face interactions, adolescents have increasingly relied on technology-mediated communication to maintain relationships. While technology can facilitate connection, it also presents limitations. Non-verbal cues, such as facial expressions and body language, are crucial for conveying emotions and intentions, and these cues can be lost in digital communication. Additionally, technology-mediated communication can be asynchronous, leading to misunderstandings and delays in resolving conflicts.

Heightened Stress and Anxiety:

The pandemic has introduced unprecedented levels of stress and anxiety for adolescents, who are already navigating the emotional turmoil of puberty. These heightened emotional states can make it more challenging to form and sustain healthy intimate relationships.

Limited Access to Support Systems:

The pandemic has also disrupted access to traditional support systems, such as schools, extracurricular activities, and extended family networks. These support systems can provide valuable guidance and resources for adolescents as they develop intimate relationships.

Emerging Research Findings:

Emerging research is beginning to shed light on the specific impacts of the pandemic on adolescents’ intimate relationships. A study published in the Journal of Adolescent Health found that adolescents reported decreased satisfaction with their romantic relationships during the pandemic, with increased conflict and decreased communication. Another study, published in the journal Child Development, found that adolescents with lower levels of social support during the pandemic were more likely to experience problems in their romantic relationships.


The atypical social context of the COVID-19 pandemic has undoubtedly impacted adolescents’ development of intimate relationships. Reduced opportunities for in-person interaction, increased reliance on technology-mediated communication, heightened stress and anxiety, and limited access to support systems have all contributed to challenges in forming and sustaining healthy relationships. As we move forward from the pandemic, it is crucial to address the impacts on adolescents’ social and emotional development, including their capacity for healthy intimate relationships.


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