Advantages and disadvantage of playing online games/ io games doodle baseball


Analyze advantages and disadvantage of playing online games/ io games doodle baseball

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Online games have evolved over time, from simple text-based games like Multi-User Dungeon to high-end open-world games such as Red Dead Online. They can be classified into two types: browser-based games and downloadable video game titles with online connectivity components. However, there are various advantages and disadvantages of online games. The following are some of the key points: Advantages: 1. Convenience: Online games are convenient. One can play them from the comfort of their home or during travel, unlike physical games which are limited to a particular location and often requires much physical effort. Disadvantages: 1. Addiction: One of the major disadvantages of online games is their addictive tendencies. People can potentially spend excessive time in these games and center their daily lives around them, which can lead to decreased productivity and increased chances of depression.

There are a lot of studies to examine genetic variation of tumor types. Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) try to extend scale of these variations that were limited previously. For instance, one of the studies is “Genetic Markers of Susceptibility Project” that was initiated by the National Cancer Institute and their goal is identfying genes that causes breast and prostate cancer by using single nucleotide polymorphism analysis. Examining all type of genetic abnormalities and alterations like a gene silencing, methylation and epigenetic mechanisms, gene translocation, amplifications, and deletions are studies area of “The Human Cancer Genome Project”(48).

Genome-wide association studies revealed some facts that 6q25.1 is sensitive locus for breast cancer(49) and in European ancestry men, two independennt loci included 8q24 that affect formation of prostate cancer(50). Also GWAS showed some differences between cancer types. For instance, 5p15.33 has locus for lung cancer and it was related with adenocarcinoma but not squamous or other subtypes(51). These revealed facts show that patient response to the treatment can be predicted by these unique mutations. Also, 20 SNPs that is related with efficiency of platinum-based chemotherapy in small cell lung cancer patient was revealed thanks to genome- wide scan studies for single nucleotide polymorphism(52). Despite there are studies to discover genetic loci and SNPs , more studies is needed to understand effect of these abnormalities to form disease risk(53).


Bioinformatics that include information management and algorithm development is combining of biology and computer science(54). Reaching the database that is about all research is important for personalized medicine. Information that is obtained from previosly described studies in subtitiles can be used for integrating a patient’s clinical information and the genetic profiles of their tumor to predict the relationships of certain molecular changes to cancer.

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