Advantages and disadvantages in the use of a posttest-only control group design

1. What are some advantages and disadvantages in the use of a posttest-only control group design versus a pretest/posttest control group design? (Must identify at least one advantage and one disadvantage per design – so four total).
2. What is a confound and how is it related to internal validity?
3. What is the relationship between external validity and the college sophomore problem?
4. On the most recent exam in your biology class, every student earned an A. The professor claims that he must really be a good teacher for all of the students to have done so well. Given the confounds discussed this week, what alternative explanation can you offer for this result? (Don’t just list a concern– briefly provide a justification).
5. A health magazine recently reported a study in which researchers claimed that women who take iron supplements have better problem-solving abilities. Further investigation revealed that they assessed problem-solving abilities in a group of women and then had the women self-report whether or not they take iron supplements. Discuss one potential threat to internal validity as it relates specifically to this study.
Scenario: According to some research, males have better spatial skills than do females; and according to other research, females have better reading skills than males. A student is interested in determining which gender performs better on a word-search puzzle (a puzzle in which words are hidden vertically, horizontally, and diagonally within an array of letters) since this type of puzzle involves both spatial and reading skills. A sample of males and females volunteer to participate and are given 10 minutes to work on a 50-word puzzle. The number of words correctly recognized is recorded for each subject. Use this scenario to answer the following questions.
6)What is the independent variable? Dependent variable? What is the scale of measurement for each? ANSWER

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Post-test only design follows all the same steps as the classic pre-test/post-test design except that it omits the pre-test. There are many situations where a pre-test is impossible because the participants have already been exposed to the treatment, or it would be too expensive or too time-consuming. For large enough groups, this design can control for most of the same threats to internal and external validity as the classic controlled experimental design. For example, it eliminates the threat to internal validity of pre-testing by eliminating the pre-test. A disadvantage of only having a posttest design is you are less aware of the likelihood for participants to drop out during the study.

ives. Nursing obligations can be long, distressing, emotional, and physically demanding. The requirements of the nursing career combined with the nursing shortage and longer work hours puts significantly more strain on an already at-capacity load. In spite of these demands, many nurses don’t completely value the significance of self-care and how it plays a valuable role in their practice; without appropriate care for themselves, nurses are not adept to provide the best care to their patients. Self-care is a critical component of being able to provide holistic nursing because nurses must be able to recognize that they cannot facilitate healing unless they are in the process of healing themselves,

Recent research on the effects of holistic self-care programs for nurses and nursing students demonstrates that such programs foster good health behaviors; resilience; improved nurse–patient communication, care, and satisfaction; and improved work environments, and may help sustain the nursing profession (Mariano, 2013, p. 21).

For this reason, nurses need to put forth the energy to schedule time for looking after their own needs in addition to the needs of their patients. With this in mind, I implemented an exercise program as my self-care modality for my independent study. Exercise fits into my personal value system because I realize the significance of taking care of the body; a healthy body tends to influence a healthy mindset. My personal core values are there to guide my behavior and my choices, and incorporating exercise increases self-awareness and helps clarify personal issues or stressors that occur in my life. Exercise, for me personally, makes intelligent decisions easier and guides me in deciding which decisions or emotions are negative and when to redirect my thought processes. It makes it easier to keep a balance in my life and is an integral influence on my beliefs and values. As Mahatma Gandhi said, “Your beliefs become your thoughts. Your thoughts become your words. Your words become your actions. Your actions become your habits. Your habits bec

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