Advisor to a candidate for U.S. President in the next election


Assume that you are the advisor to a candidate for U.S. President in the next election. You are asked to write a position paper on inequalities within the educational system and federal policies that could address these problems. You must gather the information that will help to explain these issues to the candidate so that she or he can intelligently discuss them in an upcoming debate.
1. Within four to five pages
a. Identify and discuss inequalities within the U.S. education system.
b. Discuss how economic factors affect white and non-white students’ educational experience and attainment.
c. Identify and discuss policies that address educational inequalities in the U.S. between white and non-white students
2. Apply two of the sociological theories from our course materials (not by googling the internet) in your response. Sociological theories include functionalism, conflict theory, feminist theory, symbolic interactionism, and others as mentioned in our readings and materials.
3. Include at least three peer-reviewed sociological journal articles from our library (from within the past 5 years)within your response.


Sample Solution

W.E.B. DuBois was right about the problem of the 21st century. The color line divides us still. In recent years, the most visible evidence of this in the public policy arena has been persistent attack on affirmative action in higher education. For Americans of all backgrounds, the allocation of opportunity in a society that is becoming ever more dependent on knowledge and education is a source of great anxiety and concern. At the center of these debates are interpretations of the gaps in educational achievement between white and non-Asian minority students as measured by standardized test scores. The U.S. educational system is one of the most unequal in the industrialized world, and students routinely receive dramatically different learning opportunities based on their social status.

of the eyewitnesses around the specialist, removing information from the oppressed female human body under logical observation. Arranged halfway is the piece of the work entitled Stomach Hysterectomy: Analyzation of the Onlooker, showing the surgery while observation mechanical assembly introduced into the work catches the picture of the spectator and superimposes the picture onto the essence of the patient. In spite of the fact that varying from the reconnaissance model of the panopticon, Teatro Anatomico envelops methods of perception and observation and elements a job inversion of the power dynamic among specialist and patient that put the member in the job of the oppressed body. Through participatory strategies, is the craftsman ready to re-acculturate the body related to the brain? Through the fuse of current innovation, Millett can address authentic and contemporary creation of logical information.

Figure 2: Cristin Millett, ‘Plan for Teatro Anatomico’ (2005) .

Zeroing in on the body as a site of enslavement, the development of ‘tame bodies’ typifies the qualities of observation in human studies. In Jen Pylypa’s Power and Substantial Practice (1998), we are defied with reclassifying Foucault’s utilization of the wording of ‘biopower’ to break down the effort of force in exercises and practices of regular day to day existence that outcome in “self-reconnaissance” and “self-restraint” . Pylypa further examines the “self-guideline of cleanliness, wellbeing and sexuality” as parts of social control. Essentially, to crafted by Cristin Millett, Pylypa references Davis-Floyd on the regenerative body of the lady to act as an illustration of social control of the development of logical information – through performing obstetrical “ceremonies” that change the idea of conceiving an offspring into an interaction that is liable to observing and observation . Breaking down the generalized human body as the site of logical exploration and information creating practices of medication that go on into the 21st Century view of medical care, the assimilation of control by the patient has helped the medical care framework’s progress from an instrument of the disciplinary society to a general public of control.

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