Advocacy Coalition Framework (ACF)


Write a 2-page written response detailing your selection of one policymaking framework that best supports your priority (Food insecurity among children)—particularly, getting your priority on the agenda.

In your response, explain why the framework best describes how you might proceed in effectively moving your advocacy priority forward in the policymaking process.

Support your response with evidence. Consider which of the three models might best fit your priority determined

Advocacy Coalition Framework (ACF)
Kingdon’s Multiple Streams Framework (KSF)
Narrative Policy Framework (NPF)

Sample Solution

Prioritizing Food Security for Children: A Narrative Policy Framework Approach

Food insecurity, defined as the limited or uncertain access to affordable, nutritious food, is a significant threat to children’s health and well-being. This paper argues that the Narrative Policy Framework (NPF) is the most suitable framework for effectively moving the issue of childhood food insecurity onto the policymaking agenda and securing policy change.

Why the Narrative Policy Frameworks Works Best

The NPF emphasizes the power of storytelling in shaping public opinion and influencing policy decisions. It highlights three key elements:

  • Narrative:A compelling story that captures the human cost of food insecurity among children and resonates with the public.
  • Policy Window:An opportune moment in time when public opinion is receptive to policy change and a problem window exists (recognition of the issue by policymakers).
  • Policy Entrepreneurs:Advocates who champion the cause and use the narrative to push for policy solutions.

This framework aligns well with the issue of childhood food insecurity for the following reasons:

  • Compelling Narrative:Stories of hungry children lacking access to healthy food can evoke strong emotions and empathy, creating a powerful narrative.
  • Policy Window:The growing body of research on the negative impact of food insecurity on children’s cognitive development, academic performance, and overall health creates a strong problem window. Recent disruptions to food supply chains due to climate change and economic factors contribute further.
  • Policy Entrepreneurs:Anti-hunger organizations, child advocacy groups, and concerned parents can act as policy entrepreneurs, using the narrative to build public pressure and mobilize support for policy solutions.

Moving Childhood Food Security onto the Agenda

The NPF approach suggests a multi-pronged strategy to get the issue of childhood food insecurity onto the policy agenda:

  • Developing a Shared Narrative:Advocates can craft a shared narrative that highlights the human cost of childhood hunger. This narrative should emphasize the long-term consequences of food insecurity on education, health, and economic productivity. Statistics on the prevalence of childhood hunger, coupled with personal stories from affected families, can be powerful tools.
  • Framing the Issue:Advocates can frame the issue of childhood hunger as a national security concern. Food-insecure children are less likely to reach their full potential and contribute to the workforce. Additionally, the economic burden of treating health problems associated with food insecurity can be significant.
  • Building Public Support:Advocacy campaigns can leverage social media, traditional media, and community events to spread the narrative and raise public awareness. Partnering with celebrities, chefs, and other influential figures can amplify the message.
  • Identifying Policy Champions:Identifying and cultivating relationships with policymakers who are sympathetic to the issue is crucial. Sharing research data, policy proposals, and personal stories of children affected by hunger can help policymakers understand the urgency of the problem.

Evidence Supporting the NPF Approach

Several successful policy changes illustrate the effectiveness of the NPF approach in addressing social issues. For example, the anti-smoking movement successfully used a narrative that linked smoking to health problems, economic costs, and a decline in quality of life. This narrative helped garner public support and ultimately led to stricter regulations on tobacco use.

Similarly, the movement for increased funding for early childhood education used a narrative that emphasized the long-term economic benefits of investing in early childhood development. This narrative resonated with policymakers and helped secure increased funding for early childhood programs.


The Narrative Policy Framework offers a powerful approach to advancing the issue of childhood food insecurity on the policy agenda. By crafting a compelling narrative, identifying a policy window, and mobilizing policy entrepreneurs, advocates can raise public awareness, build support, and ultimately secure policy changes that ensure all children have access to the nutritious food they need to thrive.

Additional Considerations

While the NPF is a strong starting point, it’s important to acknowledge that policymaking is a complex process. Combining the NPF approach with elements from other frameworks can be beneficial.

  • Kingdon’s Multiple Streams Framework (KSF)can help identify potential policy windows and build coalitions with other stakeholders who share similar concerns (e.g., healthcare providers, educators).
  • Advocacy Coalition Framework (ACF)can help identify existing policy coalitions working on related issues and explore opportunities for collaboration.

By employing a multifaceted approach that leverages the strengths of different frameworks, advocates can increase the chances of successfully addressing the issue of childhood food insecurity.


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