Ageism as disparaging the value of older adults and stereotyping them as a burden to society.


Current research points to ageism as disparaging the value of older adults and stereotyping them as a burden to society. Ageism has in the recent past, negatively influenced decisions regarding older adult client’s access to screenings and certain diagnostic procedure. Acceptance of ageism by health care providers, society and clients themselves can lead to ineffective assessment and treatment of mental and physical illness.
Nurses are integral to challenging ageism stereotypes and promoting healthy aging. The largest demographics of clients nurses will care for over the next 50 years will be older than 65. With extended life expectancy there is a need for enhanced quality of life. Promotion of successful aging requires healthy aging attitudes.
Learning Materials
Mental Health of America. (2011). Position Statement 35: Aging well: Wellness and psychosocial treatment for the emotional and cognitive challenges of aging. Retrieved from

Assigned video:
“ Get Old.” Hy Snell age 94
Goals Alignment
University Mission Goals:
Exhibits self-directed learning that demonstrates professional behavior and ethics
Functions successfully in multiple roles and teams showing cultural competence
Demonstrates professional performance through research by using evidence-based practice
Program Goals:
Professional Behavior/Ethics: Develop a personal values system and value-based behaviors that include the capacity to make and act upon ethical judgments
Cultural Competence: Recognize the need for evidence-based knowledge and sensitivity to variables such as age, gender, culture, health disparities, socioeconomic status, race, and spirituality
Research and Evidence-Based Practice: Use research findings and other evidence in designing, implementing, and evaluating care that is multidimensional, high quality, cost-effective and leads to improved patient outcomes
Course Goals
Examine nursing roles that meet the emerging health needs of individuals, families, communities and populations.
Explore historical, legal, social, cultural, political, and economic forces that influence the client, nursing practice, and the health care system.
Evaluate strategies that can be used by public and community health nurses to improve the health status and eliminate health disparities of vulnerable populations.
Professional Standards
AACN Baccalaureate Essentials:
Scholarship for evidence-based practice
Professionalism and professional values
IOM Core Competencies:
Patient-centered care

Sample Solution

country. When National Forces send him to find the Hodja, Salih doesn’t know him much. He wants to protect her after she recognizes him as Küçük Ağa. I think that the responsible side of the character of Salih is to know that the anger must become the target to raise awareness.

Doctor Haydar is a soldier who served with the rank of captain in World War II and gave great services to the National Forces during the years of national struggle. Akşehir is also one of the organizers of the National Forces. He is an enlightened intellectual. Istanbul is forced to struggle with Hodja. Not to the sultan, but has to enter the Government of Istanbul. Not against the sultan, but against the government of Istanbul. It is a person who knows that it is necessary to act as required by conditions. Although he struggles with the Istanbul Hodja, he delivers his goodwill and worth. Later, he met with Istanbul hodja as Küçük Ağa and he knew him. He also expresses his admiration. He comes out first with his activist identity.
Ali Emmi is an old citizen who sees liberation in Nationality and who makes great sacrifices. He represents the “nation in element of the National Struggle in the novel. Old man with hair and beard has fallen, with wrinkles on his forehead. It is an Akşehir villager who has digested the patience and calm of the land like all the others. He is one of the former elders of Akşehir. He lost both his sons in battle. National Forces has supported since the beginning. He is the representative of the reaction towards Salih, plays an important role in his awareness. He is a charismatic person with leadership skills. He is humorous. Akşehir has great influence over justified.

Niko is Salih’s childhood friend, tailor. He’s close to her since he’s back in Aksehir. he was interested in his mother when he was not available. Niko has tried to show superiority. When Salih came to Akşehir, he gives new clothes, eating and he takes the tavern him. The reason for his close relationship with Salih is that he wants to buy his garden. But he betrayed the Turkish people with whom he lived for many years and joined the efforts to establish a Greek Cypriot state. He is seen as a sneaky, sincere bargaining person. After the first episodes, he almost never appears.
Çerkez Ethem is a gang leader who initially provided services that were unseen for the homeland and

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