Alpha-beta pruning and linear regression problem

1) Use the alpha-beta pruning for the “1-2 steal marbles “, for 13 marbles.

Initially, there are 13 marbles on the board.

One of the players can choose to remove 1 or 2 marbles leaving 12 or 11, after that the other player can do the same, choosing to take again one or two marbles from the board. The process continue until there is only one marble in the board. The player who wins is the one the leaves the last marble on the board. (For example: If there are 3 marbles and it’s my turn , then I will choose to remove 2 to leave one in the board to win)

1. Formulate the problem

2. Describe the decision tree adding the maximizer and minimizer levels of the tree and assigning values to the objective function.

3 Write the algorithm in pseudocode(adapting it to this problem) or in a high-level language

4 Comment the results.

5. Can we use the same algorithm for 10000 marbles?. Explain the pros and cons of using this algorithm

2) given the pairs (time, price) (1,3) ,(2,5), (3,8) use linear regression to find the line ax+b that approximate these values. Use that line to calculate the price when the time is 4.

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iterature Review

2.1 Definition of Talent

Most specialists characterized ability from alternate points of view. As per CIPD 2007, definition the manner in which the particular organization characterizes ability it relies upon the technique that is being utilized by the business just as the idea of the association. Thusly there is nobody single definition for the word ability, it essentially relies upon the language that is being partaken in the particular organization (Tansely 2011).

Ability is one of a kind to association as is especially influenced by factors like industry, its tendency, people, suggestions, etc (CIPD 20 07). CIPD 2007 characterized skilled individuals as individuals who can have the potential effect in the organization. As per Ready and Conger 2007 they characterized ability as a gathering of workers with a normal expertise and aptitudes and are set up to be elevated to official positions in this manner are viewed as best representatives in the association.

2.2 Definition of Talent Management

Various definitions are accessible for ability the executives anyway it stays hazy on what precisely what it truly implies (Lewis and Heckman 2006). Various scientists anyway put more accentuation on having the correct number of individuals at the perfect spot at the ideal time that have the important abilities sets required and level of inspiration are essential key to ability the executives (Stephenson and Pandit 2008). Essentially others similarly accepts that ability the board grasps all exercises inside the association going from representative fascination, worker improvement, determination just as holding them in the reasonable positions ( Stahl Et al, 2007).

As per Iles et al (2010) and Capelli (2008), there is a connection between ability the board and human asset the board which presents an alternate investigation. As delineated in the accompanying perspectives meanings of ability the board:

1) Talent the executives isn’t basically not the same as Human Resource Management (HRM). It incorporates HRM exercises and subsequently can be said that ability the board is a rebranding term of HRM, which has changed from the conventional term of human asset the executives to the new idea of ability the executives. Thusly this new brand of HRM has concentrated on the most proficient method to oversee gifts deliberately.

2) Talent the board incorporates HR the executives and authoritative turn of events, yet ability the board features on skilled individuals, in like manner, the point of convergence is ability pool, both inside and

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