American Dream changed as a result of this course.



Explain how has your understanding of the American Dream changed as a result of this course.
Reflect on John Lennon’s “Imagine,” which for many signifies hope. Do you believe there is hope for the American Dream? Choose at least one image from the song lyrics or video that signifies your new understanding of the American Dream.
Imagine – John Lennon and The Plastic Ono Band (with the Flux Fiddlers)
User: n/a – Added: 12/18/16YouTube URL:
Click here for song lyrics (a new window will open)
johnlennon (2016, Dec. 18). Imagine – John Lennon and the plastic Ono band (with the Flux Fiddlers) [Video file]. Retrieved from No ResearchThere is a no-research policy in place for this class. Using any material other than the assigned readings and lectures, even if it is correctly quoted and cited, will result in a failing grade for this assignment. Contact your instructor if you have questions about this policy.


Sample Solution

The beginnings of the idea of the American Dream can be traced to the Founding Fathers, who declared their independence from England because of their belief in unalienable rights. Many people speculate that the American Dream has become something few can attain. Owning land is no longer the dream. Owning a home is no longer the dream. Even having a good life is no longer the dream. Instead, may people strive to own the most expensive vehicles, the largest homes, the most stylish clothes, and so on. Under this definition, the American Dream can be possessed by only a few citizens. There is still hope for the future. The American Dream remains a beautiful ideal view.

History may appears to be the most clear. Be that as it may, is really an incredibly challenged and tricky field. It takes a ton of study and research to demonstrate history. It is an investigation of the put down accounts from the relevant period or later ,reaches determinations, a story dissected that makes sense of why the occasions occurred before and hypothetical comprehension of human social orders in light of those records. History itself is just an assortment and determination of reference capable realities and stories that somebody accepts can be gainfully united under a specific story system. In the interim the historiography that is likewise known for “history of history” or “the examination of history” is a verifiable works from a specific period or a specific nation and the entirety of verifiable explores in regards to a specific perspective. It is the investigation of the most effective ways to decipher verifiable sources and the manners in which history is composed. The students of history do the interaction by bringing the presumptions and strategies and correlations between the different ends and understandings they reach accordingly. Right now, historiography is more a combination of historiography, reasoning of history and socio-social hypothesis, than just the investigation of verifiable systems. The contrast between the set of experiences and historiography, history is the investigation of past however it wont essentially compare to past. The story gives portrayal from an earlier time. while the historiography is the investigation of sources , techniques and suppositions utilized by antiquarians recorded as a hard copy standard history. To handily comprehend history resembles the most loved food we can’t get quit thinking in light of the fact that about its taste while the historiography is the recipe used to make the food.

The set of experiences can’t be demonstrated a reality of right assuming it has no substantial sources to be said or proclaimed truth that makes the sources vital for the review. Without sources, history is simple guess, bias and hypothesis on the off chance that that can be history by any means. Authentic sources as these are the establishments that future students of history will fabricate their survey of the period being referred to. Antiquarian needs to help his/her work by reference back to unique examination as well as crafted by other respectable students of history. Without the presence of verifiable sources then any work can appropriately be classified as either counterfeit news or fiction, despite the fact that history specialists ought to likewise take cautious note of expected inclinations. The investigation of history recognizes sources that are separated into two distinct sorts, one is the essential sources count most and the optional sources that are more similar to a translation of an essential source. To expand more, essential source are important to give us a firs

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