An episode in star wars called ( Return of The Jedi)


What is required in this essay are: Analyze the 12 steps of the Hero’s Journey for a character of your choice (Luke, Leia, Han, Chewbacca, Anakin(Darth Vader), rd-d2, c3-po, Obi Wan or Yoda.

2. Anakin Skywalker mixed the dark side of the force with technology to continue life as Darth Vader. What statement is George Lucas making about what truly makes us human? Do you feel that Luke is able to redeem Darth Vader and resurrect his humanity? What connections can you make between the mask that Darth Vader wears and the masks that we are wearing in society currently? Support you answers with specific evidence from the film and secondary source material.

I have attached the 12 step that i want the essay based on it. this is very important, all the 12 steps have to be mentioned when you write about the episode.

the structure of the essay should be like this:

– introduction ( which you will give a short brief about the episode ( Return of the Jedi) and you will let the reader know that you will write the essay based on the 12 steps and that you will answer the questions later in the essay. – the body will contain four paragraphs.. the first 3 paragraphs will tell the story of the episode and analyze the 12 steps.. the 4th paragraph you will answers that i gave it to you here.

and finally the conclusion, you will say your opinion.

you will use only two references: you will cite the exact episode from Disney website, and you will use attached book:

you will answer the questions from the attached book.

if you focus on the instructions i gave u and you write a strong essay which will give me a high score, i can bring you some of my friends who are going to ask you to do it for them

just please REMEMBER THAT THE EPISODE CALLED ((RETURN OF THE JEDI) please do not make the essay based on a wrong episode.







Sample Solution

what your views, sexuality or body type. Furthermore, bloggers and social media influencers have shown a whole new side to the brand as they allow the brand to capture the wants and needs of their target audience directly through what sells and what is seen as popular from these bloggers’ promotions and advertisements.

CHAPTER 4: Conclusion.

To conclude, social media has many different effects on the fashion industry in many different areas. New media will continue to revolutionise and benefit the industry. In my research for of social media platforms it has become evident that at this current time, it plays a massive role in marketing and consumer culture, the views on body image and the importance of bloggers, influencers and celebrities. Mostly it is all positive that has come from the use of social media in the industry, some include the impact it has had on how body image is viewed amongst society. The body type that has been considered ‘the norm’ for years has now been challenged and now the media is open to showing that whether you are plus-size, slim, short or tall, you can still be beautiful. Moreover, the empowerment of women is also something that has had major development thanks to social media. The rise of the blogger and influencer has allowed women to show success and independence through beauty, fashion and make-up. These young people have managed to grow their own businesses by sharing brands and their style with their large followings. In terms of marketing for brands, whether it be high-street or high-end, social media has allowed a massive growth of advertising and sales through the use of influential young people. They have opened brands to a more personal approach of marketing which allows them to really get to know their audience and produce what they want and need. On the contrary, some may view it completely different and argue that social media has created a manipulative side of the fashion industry which encourages conspicuous consumption. However, for the most social media has had a positive impact on the fashion industry and has allowed it to progress with technology and develop with the modern times.

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