An Institutional Review Board (IRB)

The report will address these items:

Explain what an Institutional Review Board (IRB) is and the reason they originated.
Discuss the IRB process.
Specify the differences between proposals that are labeled “exempt,” “expedited,” or “full.”
State what you intend to do in your research endeavors to protect your human subjects.

Sample Solution

An Institutional Review Board (IRB)

Scientific research has produced substantial social benefits and posed some troubling ethical questions. Some dates important in the development of institutional review boards, or IRB. On July 12, 1974, the National Research Act established the existence of IRB to review biomedical and behavioral research involving human subjects. In March 1983, federal regulations detailing the basic U.S. Department of Health and Human Services policy for the protection of human research subjects were adopted. Investigators may be invited to attend the meeting to answer questions from the board. At the conclusion of the meeting, the board votes and issues a determination for the submission. The application is approved as submitted. The approval data is the date of the IRB review.

Throughout the course we have examined that the African American communities have changed drastically as more Americans have become aware of the injustices faced by millions of people of color. Analyzing African American history, examine the historical processes that led to Black Lives Matters.

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