Analysis of a painting


Your detailed analysis should be written in the form of a three-page essay in which you discuss
such aspects as subject, color, composition, material, scale, technique, and style. See the list below for more
details on the aspects of paintings listed in this assignment. please chose a painting of your choice
from an internet resource and be sure to cite it as well as using the textbook
resource (chapter 2 ) as needed

Analysis of Paintings – The Five Elements of Composition
Composition – What is the subject or narrative? How is the work organized and unified? How do your eyes
move around the work, and what do you focus on?
Color – Describe the color and explain how it affects the mood of the work and how it is used to organize the
Objects – What exactly is in the work? Figures? landscape? Is it crowded or empty? Is it naturalistic or abstract,
and to what degree?
Technique – Describe the brush stroke in a painting, or the particular material of a sculpture, and how the
material is used or manipulated. How does the material that the artist chose contribute to the interpretation of
the work?
Size and Shape – Is the work large or small, horizontal, or vertical? How does this contribute to how you read it?
TEXTBOOK RESOURCE: Sporre, D. J., (2014). Perceiving the arts: An introduction to the humanities. (11th
ed.). Prentice-Hall. ISBN-10: 020599511X, ISBN-13: 978-0505995110.

Sample Solution




Battles of Immigrants

Randall and Morales: Struggle for migrants America has been a nation of expectation and dream for quite a while People from everywhere the world will come to America to carry on with a superior life. In the United States, the populace is meager. For the development and improvement of that nation she needs more individuals, so the legislature has passed enactment 1802 to urge individuals to come here to turn into a resident (welcome) . Indigenous people groups in that nation are inviting everybody to come here and become residents. They likewise contend that they regard and assess basic liberties and don’t oppress individuals in different nations.

The American dream draws in settlers from everywhere the world. Through ingenuity and assurance, outsiders will have the option to carry on with a rich life in the United States. Worker battle to seek after American dreams is verification of its significance. My folks are eager to reimburse the dangers of the chance of accomplishment in the United States. In any case, by shutting the fringes and not permitting migrants to enter the United States, we are denying those searching for joy openings. American dreams have circled for a considerable length of time, and individuals are inviting to acknowledge America as an ideal spot. We should keep up this ideal with the goal that our nation can keep on offering plan to those out of luck, under the name of our way of life and our situation as an American Hmm.

In the event that you don’t carry on with this life, you will never comprehend the battle of settlers. So recall that we are generally relatives of settlers before you make the United States. That is the reason the United States is now exceptional. I am at present an American resident and I am working in the US Army; my sibling is an electrical specialist working for the best metro framework on the planet. We are paying assessments like our folks.

I didn’t anticipate that myself should be an “offspring of outsiders”. Since it felt that the word was loaded with worker battle. To come clean, my dad came to America with a specialist from Italy, yet he was familiar since he was youthful and was the fourth offspring of my folks. – Michael Shami, 21 years of age, Americans in Syria and Hungary (upper)

As a youthful worker in my twenties, I know about the battle to conquer the shaky US movement strategy. My most prominent objective is to reimburse to my folks who moved to another nation and paid extraordinary misfortune. Notwithstanding, this can be troublesome. It is on the grounds that I frequently feel drawback in my field. This is generally because of the US migration control framework for foreigners like me. For instance, as a persistent understudy, I feel that I am restricted by the absence of grant for universal understudies like me. I imagine that numerous worldwide understudies can contact



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