Analysis of how this particular film ties into Economics


Watch the film, then write up a one page analysis of how this particular film ties into Economics. Be as specific as possible, and make as many logical connections as you can. Also, what do you think of the film, and why? The movie name is Wall Street


Sample Solution

Analysis of how this particular film ties into Economics

Economics is not something that can only be learned from books and journals. In fact, as an important part of modern life, there are a number of great movies made about economic themes. For example, although the main purpose of the movie “The Bee” was to entertain young people, the movie also show examples of various economical issues that countries and international corporations have. The movie has quite clear relations to the economy, uneven distribution of resources, unfair trade and uneven human resources/forced labor. If one part of the economy stops working, in this case the producers of honey (bees), there could be disastrous effects. Although the movie was extremely exaggerated, it clearly showed that even one tiny part of our economy, could change things massively.

there might be some people who would prefer to deny the existence of any God so powerful, rather than believing that all other things are uncertain.” In other words, there are possibly other people who would deny that there is a God than to believe that everything else in the world does not exist. Descartes believes that God?

is being and all other things are not being. All other things in the world compared to God are subordinate because God is almighty.
Another one of Descartes’ theories in Meditation One is the Evil Demon Argument. It is also worth noting that is this not Descartes own position, but uses it as an argumentative device. The Evil Demon Argument states that an evil demon has the will, power, and the knowledge to make a person a constant victim of deception. Even one is thinking something is self-evidently true, it’s not.

There is a distinction between the mind and the body. The mind is essentially thinking and the body is essentially extended so that the two have nothing in common. In Descartes’ Meditations on Philosophy, there is a character, the mediator, and he reasons that he might cast all the opinions of others into doubt if he can doubt the foundations of basic principles upon which his opinions are founded.

In the first meditation, Descartes rejects as if false any belief that is open to doubt. He pushes skepticism to its limits by introducing the notion of an “evil demon”, a being that always tricks us into believing true what is actually

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