Analysis of Leadership in Crisis-Mode


Analysis of Leadership in Crisis-Mode: Donald Trump and the Covid-19 Crisis
For this assessment, you will deliver a report as an individual in which you analyze and comment on leadership
during a crisis, focusing on President Donald Trump’s handling of the Covid-19 crisis. You will conduct
research on this crisis and the response of Donald Trump’s administration from the beginning until today. This
tragedy has led to nearly 200,000 deaths and the infection of millions of Americans.
1. Conduct research, using online and other appropriate sources, to investigate the responses and comments
of Donald Trump towards this crisis.
2. In your short report (approx. 1500 words) you should critically discuss his actions and comments and
whether they were appropriate to the situation in view of his role as a leader. Provide specific examples.
3. Your essay must also discuss how, in your view, a leader should respond to a crisis situation such as the
Covid-19 epidemic. You may also discuss what an organization and its leaders can do to help address
potential risks and communication issues with a view to preventing such crises in the future.
4. Justify your analysis, your discussion and your opinions by drawing on your research, course concepts and
frameworks. You may also integrate your own beliefs about leadership. Cite sources as appropriate. You
should use either IEEE or APA

Sample Solution

The present examination has three fundamental targets – right off the bat, it intends to research whether there are social contrasts among Malaysian and Western youthful grown-ups in their frames of mind towards whipping. This investigation further investigated whether there are any racial contrasts inside the Malaysian example in their dispositions towards whipping. It additionally decides to look at if members who confronted visit whipping in their youth have decreased degrees of confidence. Every theory will be separately analyzed and avocations for every result are additionally talked about and delineated.

Social Differences in Attitudes towards Corporal Punishment

H1: There will be social contrasts among Malaysians and Westerners in their frames of mind towards beating (for example punishing).

The outcomes uncovered that there is a critical contrast among Malaysians and Westerners in their dispositions towards beating, reliable with past research (Kumaraswamy and Othman, 2011; Mbikyo, 2012). H1 is upheld. Inside the Malaysian culture, most people grow up accepting that beating is some type of preparing, which focuses on the significance of self-restraint and compliance – ideas pretty much missing from the Western culture (Chao, 1994). This clarifies why flogging may have affected Malaysian youthful grown-ups’ demeanors, more so than that of the Westerners.

Racial Differences in Attitudes towards Corporal Punishment

H2: There will be racial contrasts among Malay, Chinese, and Indian races in their demeanors towards whipping (for example punishing).

H2 must be dismissed; there were no racial contrasts between Chinese, Malay and Indian members. As indicated by Bornstein (1995), the sort and capacity of conduct must be totally comprehended when its social setting is considered. Consequently, the results of the examination might be because of the way that these three races all offer basic practices and conventions because of having a similar culture. This regular culture can be clarified from the individualistic and collectivistic point of view.

Contrasts in independence community societies shape people’s understanding and elucidation of the sorts of child rearing styles, which as indicated by Baumrind (1971), is classified into definitive, dictator and lenient child rearing styles. As Malaysians are by and large collectivists, most guardians are accepted to utilize the tyrant child rearing style (Keshavarz and Baharudin, 2009) – the child rearing style that generally goes connected at the hip with whipping (Aucoin et al., 2006; Chen, Dong, and Zhou, 1997). In that capacity, Malaysian guardians seldom see flogging as troublesome.

Such convictions are imparted to their kids from the early years through socialization (Keshavarz and Baharudin, 2009), which can lead these youngsters to create comparable uplifting frames of mind towards beating. Guardians are one of the most significant specialists of socialization since they are in the kid’s quick setting, an idea that is reliable with Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Systems Theory. Family is a significant specialist of socialization who not just shape a kid’s advancement and comprehension of the world, yet additionally uphold and strengthen the acts of their separate societies (Bronfenbrenner, 1979). Furthermore, kids’ inspirational mentalities can be impacted by their own collectivist nature, which underlines bunch union and similarity towards guardians and social gatherings (Keshavarz and Baharudin, 2009). Along these lines, if their folks and culture hold inspirational dispositions towards whipping, youngsters may create comparable perspectives as a result of their propensity to acclimate.

Levels of Corporal Punishment on Self-Esteem

H3: Those who experienced continuous flogging (for example hitting) in their youth will have decreased degrees of confidence

Discoveries didn’t bolster H3; beneficiaries of regular flogging in youth didn’t have diminished degrees of confidence in youthful adulthood. These results were predictable with Joubert’s (1991) look into – beating has no impact on youngsters’ confidence. In any case, not all examination uncovered comparable outcomes. Youngsters who were exposed to physical discipline in their developmental years grow up accepting that its utilization is fitting. Those seriously taught in youth were in this manner saw to rate discipline as more fitting than those less seriously restrained (Kelder, McNamara, Carlson, and Lynn, 1991). This would clarify the nonattendance of unfavorable impacts on confidence.

Research accomplished all the more as of late demonstrated that youngsters in legitimate families, who likewise had the most elevated scholastic accomplishment, had high confidence notwithstanding encountering successive flogging (Fuller, 2011). Numerous researchers speculate that tyrant child rearing in collectivist societies may really advance positive kid alteration (Matsumoto and Juang, 2013).

Contrasts in results are clarified by the way that Westerners’ and Asians’ view of dictator child rearing are divergent. As represented by Chao (2001), the importance and noteworthiness of the tyrant child rearing style may have beginnings in social conviction frameworks that are not quite the same as those of European Americans. As indicated by the Confucian way of thinking, Chinese child rearing in youngster raising is portrayed by the idea of chiao avoid, or preparing, which underlines the significance of close parental supervision to energize kids’ order, dutifulness and obedient devotion (Matsumoto and Juang, 2013). A Chinese parent will in this way see such child rearing to be socially suitable as it is an impression of affection and worry for the kid. European American guardians, in any case, view such child rearing to be tyrant and over-controlling (Chao, 2001). Baumrind’s order of child rearing styles may not be a successful portrayal of child rearing in different societies. In spite of the fact that it influences the confidence of those from Western societies, dictator child rearing in Asian societies is helpful to the youngster and in this manner has no clear impacts on confidence.

Keshavarz and Baharudin (2009) likewise announced that if child rearing conduct is compatible with the estimations of one’s way of life, kids will be bound to acknowledge it. For example, youngsters will react well if whipping in their way of life means that affection and concern as opposed to an unsuitable practice. This would clarify why regular degrees of flogging had no impact on members’ confidence as it isn’t seen to be undermining or bothersome among Malaysians, which establishes most of whom got visit beating in adolescence (74%).

In addition, the inability to discover any relationship between members’ understanding of whipping in youth with their present degrees of confidence in the present investigation may have been because of the lack of quality of review recollections. Researchers have much of the time communicated their suspicion with respect to the unwavering quality of review reports (e.g., Brewin, Andrews, and Gotlib, 1993; Halverson, 1988; Howard, 2011). The thought that it precisely speaks to what truly unfolded in the past has additionally been enthusiastically tested (Lewinsohn and Rosenbaum, 1987). Oishi et al. (2007) made a stride further, uncovering that worth compatible occasions stay in memory longer and influences people’s review recurrence decisions of feeling when contrasted with occasions that are incongruent with individual qualities. For example, if the youthful grown-up sees whipping contrarily or if this training is incongruent with their own qualities, it might never again be available in their memory in adulthood, bringing about an incorrect review of the recurrence in which the individual had gotten flogging in c

hildhood. Notwithstanding, contemporary investigations have recorded the sensible exactness of youthful grown-ups’ review reports of their adolescence (Campitelli, Parker, Head, and Gobet, 2008; Potts, Belden and Reese, 2008), recommending that there may be different elements relating to the unsupported results of the present examination.

One method of reasoning could be simply the way that regard is influenced by a variety of other related natural variables. These may incorporate harassing, injury, society and media, conviction frameworks, scholastic difficulties, just as disliking authority figures (Lachmann, 2013). Since the youthful grown-up organize is a transitional period, many may encounter a staggering measure of worry because of the requirement for correction and adjustment. Impression of whether they can or can’t confront the duties and commitments put on them will consequently influence their confidence.

In addition, from present youthfulness on midlife, that is, the stage which incorporates the youthful grown-up arrange, a general increment in confidence is watched (Wagner, Ludtke, Jonkmann, and Trautwein, 2013); so regardless of whether continuous degrees of whipping in adolescence did, truth be told, decrease one’s confidence, this impact is checked and dropped off when they arrive at youthful adulthood. This would legitimize why the impacts of whipping on confidence were invalid in this investigation.


The qualities distinguished in this investigation incorporate the utilization of psychometrically stable surveys – Attitudes toward Spanking (ATS) Questionnaire (Holden et al., 1995) and Rosenberg’s Self-Esteem Scale (Rosenberg, 1965). These estimations are solid and simple to score as the scoring technique for 4-point and 7-point Likert scales are basic and direct. Such polls are likewise invaluable in light of the fact that they permit different degrees of reactions. With a simple method of conveyance, these surveys are used to adequately acquire members’ sentiments. Regardless, it is imperative to tolerate as a top priority the conceivable predisposition in these reactions because of social desir

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