Analysis of Primary source



Students will read, interpret, and contextualize overarching historical themes during two writing-intensive
history labs. Students will create and discuss an original analysis of a source by using examples from
secondary sources from the course and JSTOR that contextualizes the document. Students will be graded on
their ability to analyze sources, make connections to the weekly texts and course themes, and historical
For more information, see the Primary Source Analysis instructions listed below:
To locate primary sources, take a look at the “documents” tab within each chapter of the Digital History
It is important to find a source that was created within the period that we have studied during weeks 6-10. Be
cognizant of dates.
History Labs: Primary Source Analysis Assignment Instructions
Identify one primary source (a source that was created during the period in which we are studying) that is
related to your final research topic.
You will write a one-page analysis of the source.  Your analysis should address the following questions:
Who produced the source?
Who was the intended audience?
What point the did the author (or artist) intend to make?
Does the source reveal popular assumptions or attitudes during the era when it was produced?
How does this piece connect with the readings so far?






Sample Solution



“Why we don’t care for ladies managers (and why it is important)” (Shiao, 2016) and “Improve supervisors than ladies (no, and here’s the reason)” (Wolfe, 2017) are two elegantly composed articles that offer contrasting points of view on the treatment and ramifications of female managers in the work environment. Where the previous stresses on the negative decisions that pursue ladies pioneers and how they influence their authority and certainty, the last decides to answer how ladies add to an association with their better commitment and initiative aptitudes. Both the articles consolidate convincing contentions and sources to propose their decisions and advise the perusers shrewdly. In any case, it’s Wolfe’s article that makes an increasingly enticing point by utilizing sound proof and shaping systematic contentions from them.

Right off the bat, surveying the structure and adequacy of the contentions made by both the authors, Shiao’s decisions experience the ill effects of powerless dependability. She coordinates dependable proof in her contentions however neglects to dissect her premises unbiasedly. For example, while expressing that the open examination against Hillary Clinton originates from her being a lady, she neglects to account in other significant elements like Clinton’s dubious political foundation that may have affected her open picture in her contention. This prompts a feeble end that consequently gets slanted in support of Shiao. Moreover, Shiao’s remark that “we – rather unreasonably – need ladies managers to sustain, amiable and warm” (Shiao, 2016, para. 6) stays open to analysis as nearly, if not all, workers anticipate that their supervisors should be agreeable and decent. Then again, in her article, Wolfe utilizes sensible contentions upheld by solid reasons and proof and keeps an open, sound point of view at the same time. She starts her article by expressing that the purpose for the substantial inclination of male managers “should be taken a gander at abstractly, yet with a receptive outlook” (Wolfe, 2017, para. 2). Wolfe even examinations her own decisions sensibly and attempts to fill in any holes in them with more proof. For instance, subsequent to asserting that ladies administrators have preferred commitment rates over men, she reminds the peruser that “connection isn’t a similar thing as causation” (Wolfe, 2017, para. 9) and questions if the higher commitment occurs because of ladies’ sexual orientation or some different reasons. Besides, she answers this by giving the peruser another examination and utilizations it to sufficiently close her point. Consequently, Wolfe makes well-translated, reasonable ends from her sources.

With regards to the proof and approach utilized, both Shiao and Wolfe utilize a plenty of sources to add to their focuses. Notwithstanding, an unmistakable distinction emerges in contrasting the kind of proof utilized by them. In contrast to Wolfe, Shiao depends intensely on sentiments made by her and other female pioneers and uses her experience as a lady in the corporate world to further her potential benefit. A portion of her cases, similar to “ladies are more earnestly on other ladies” (Shiao, 2016, para. 12) are upheld by only her own perceptions. Be that as it may, these perceptions, paying little heed to their fact, can’t be taken as a general portrayal of everybody’s outlook. Also that Shiao ceaselessly attempts to bring out a passionate response in her perusers with explanations like how Clinton was called unseemly names like the “B-word” during her political race. In any case, a portion of her announcements, for example, “We would seriously swear that it is a result of a specific quality or character idiosyncrasy that has literally nothing to do with her sex” (Shiao, 2016, para. 3) in connection to individuals who condemn female managers, seem to dismiss individuals’ certifiable terrible encounters with ladies supervisors by placing that any individual who makes a decision about a female supervisor does it in light of her sex. This puts Shiao’s piece on the topic of passionate predisposition. Conversely, rather than being subject to her sexual orientation to advance her contention, Wolfe again displays a target point of view and uses examines from universally eminent research associations and magazines like Gallup and Harvard Business Review. These examinations show believability in their estimation, through the twelve commitment criteria utilized by Gallup and the “7,280 pioneers of the absolute best associations on the planet from private and open areas” (Wolfe, 2017, para. 10) studied by HBR. Wolfe obviously clarifies the different terms and language utilized in these investigations to explain the point better to the peruser and shows the profundity of her examination on the subject. Thus, Wolfe’s methodology and proof, with their unwavering quality and profundity prevail with regards to accomplishing a reliable establishment in the peruser’s psyche.

Taking everything into account, despite the fact that Wolfe improves focuses concerning the discussion of ladies portrayal in work environments, both the essayists present significant generalizations that ladies face in the working environment even in the 21st century. They request that the peruser assess his outlook and view administration just based on aptitudes, and not the sexual orientation of the individual.


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