Analysis Of This Case Scenario


Case scenario:

Charlie and Carol are students at a university in a computer science program. Each writes a program for a class assignment. Charlie’s program happens to uncover a flaw in a compiler that causes the entire computing system to fail; all users lose the results of their current computation. Charlie’s program uses acceptable features of the language; the compiler is at fault. Charlie did not suspect his program would cause a system failure. He reports the program to the computing center and tries to find ways to achieve his intended result without exercising the system flaw. The system continues to fail periodically, ten times (beyond the first failure). When the system fails, sometimes Charlie is running a program, but sometimes Charlie does not. The director contacts Charlie, who shows all his program versions to the computing center staff. The staff concludes that Charlie may have been inadvertently responsible for some, but not all, of the system failures, but that his latest approach to solving the assigned problem is unlikely to lead to additional system failures. On further analysis, the computing center director notes that Carol has had programs running each of the first eight (of ten) times the system failed. The director uses administrative privilege to inspect Carol’s files and finds a file that exploits the same vulnerability as did Charlie’s program. The director immediately suspends Carol’s account, denying Carol access to the computing system. Because of this, Carol is unable to complete her assignment on time, she receives a D in the course, and she drops out of school.

A. Analyse of the case scenario should have the following details clearly mentioned:

1. What are the ethical issues in the case?
2. Gather the relevant information about the case including all the stakeholders, any related facts, details, etc.
3. Find all the consequences of the case, the rights of each person involved etc.
4. Analyze the case from different points of view.
5. Explain how the problem could be solved USING the ethical model that you chose by applying the principles that you have learned so far or feel free to search for the relevant ones to be required to solve the case.
6. How can the problems found in the case be prevented in the future?

Sample Solution

Ethical Issues:

  • Unintended consequences: Charlie’s program caused harm to others despite having no malicious intent.
  • Data loss: Users lost their work due to system failures, impacting their academic progress and potentially causing other inconveniences.
  • Privacy violation: The director accessed Carol’s files without her consent, raising privacy concerns.
  • Discrimination: Punishing Carol without concrete evidence of deliberate wrongdoing could be seen as unfair and discriminatory.
  • Academic consequences: Carol’s academic performance and future were negatively impacted due to the suspension.

2. Relevant Information:

  • Stakeholders: Charlie, Carol, computing center staff, director, other users affected by the failures.
  • Facts:
    • Charlie’s program discovered a compiler flaw, causing system failures.
    • He reported the issue and tried to fix it ethically.
    • Carol had programs running during some failures, but a file exploiting the same vulnerability was found on her system.
    • Carol’s account was suspended without her knowledge or consent.
    • She received a D and dropped out due to the suspension.
  • Rights:
    • Users have the right to work on the system without fear of data loss.
    • Students have the right to privacy and fair academic treatment.

3. Consequences:

  • Users lost work and potentially faced delays or setbacks.
  • Carol faced academic harm and potentially emotional distress.
  • The university potentially faces legal repercussions for privacy violations.

4. Different Perspectives:

  • Charlie: He unintentionally caused harm but acted ethically by reporting the issue.
  • Carol: She might have exploited the vulnerability unknowingly, but the lack of concrete evidence and the privacy violation raise concerns.
  • System users: They were inconvenienced and potentially harmed by the failures.
  • Computing center: They had a responsibility to fix the vulnerability and investigate fairly.

5. Ethical Model and Solution:


  • Weighing the harms and benefits, prioritizing actions that minimize overall harm.
  • Solution:
    • Investigate further to gather concrete evidence regarding Carol’s involvement.
    • Offer Carol a chance to explain and potentially rectify the situation (e.g., redo the assignment).
    • Compensate affected users for lost work (e.g., extended deadlines, data recovery attempts).
    • Implement stricter access control and privacy policies for the computing center.

Rights-Based Ethics:

  • Respecting the fundamental rights of all individuals involved.
  • Solution:
    • Reinstate Carol’s account and offer her a chance to complete the assignment with appropriate support.
    • Review the director’s actions and implement procedures to prevent future privacy violations.
    • Establish clear guidelines for acceptable program behavior and reporting procedures for vulnerabilities.

6. Preventing Future Issues:

  • Regular system audits and vulnerability testing.
  • Clear policies on acceptable program behavior and consequences for violations.
  • User education on system security and responsible computing practices.
  • Open communication and incident reporting procedures.
  • Respect for user privacy with defined protocols for accessing data.

Remember, this is just one possible approach using two ethical models. Other models and solutions could be considered depending on the specific context and values prioritized.

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