Analysis of Weight Loss Ad

Describe why diets don’t work for weight loss.
1. Select an advertisement that promotes weight loss.
2. Scan the ad or take a picture and upload to your file.
3. Analyze the ad, considering:
+ Emotional appeal
+ Truthfulness of statements in the ad. Compare ad statements to factual information from the textbook chapter 7. For example, if the ad states that the product “speeds up metabolism,” what is the physiological fact that would make that claim false? (Or any other statement that is contradictory to information you learned in Chapter 7.)
List the signs of a misleading ad and give examples from the ad you’re analyzing.
Please also list 6 signs of misleading ads that may not appear in your ad. There are 17 signs given in the Application Tip on p. 301. List begins: Beware of weight loss plans that…

Sample Solution


We live in the Information age products and services such as diet pills, slimming creams, weight loss products that tone fat without exercise, liposuction and cosmetic surgery, are just a few of the popular methods that are promoted by advertisers to help people in achieving their body goals. Advertisements takes a center stage in promoting such goods and services and that includes weight loss. This essay provides a crucial analysis on the weight loss and explains why it doesn’t work with diet change.

Tyrant Parental Control

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tyrant child rearing styleAs a standard, guardians venerate their kids. Aside from families with mental, substance, or criminal issues, for each parent, a youngster is a noteworthy piece of their life. Contingent upon guardians’ demeanor, they bring up their youngsters in various manners; some attempt to be steady, comprehension, and agreeable—others like to be exacting and requesting, etc. It is difficult to state which child rearing model is better or more awful; however what is evident is that controlling and dictator parenthood—lamentably, one of the most well known child rearing models—has various negative impacts on a youngster.

It is significant not to befuddle tyrant and definitive child rearing. The last is tied in with dissuading kids, joining parental love inside sensible breaking points for them (without over the top weight as well as control), reacting to kids’ needs and passionate responses, and instructing, yet in addition supporting a youngster in their drives. This sort of child rearing prompts a kid growing up as a free and independent character. Be that as it may, dictator child rearing is the inverse; it suggests command over a youngster’s life, requesting a kid’s visually impaired submission with negligible clarification, a denial of kid’s negative feelings, practically zero articulation of warmth and care joined with significant levels of interest, etc (

Albeit tyrant guardians will in general legitimize their child rearing style by being stressed over their kid’s future, in actuality they should consider the way that their conduct damages a youngster and makes the person in question powerless in their future life. Studies show that youngsters brought up in dictator family units experience issues with social connections; regularly feel obliged to acclimate regardless of whether they would prefer not to; think that its difficult to manage their indignation and dissatisfaction or communicate through outrage and disappointment, in this way coordinating antagonism towards themselves; build up a solid dread of disappointment joined with low confidence, etc (The Positive Parenting Center). Likewise, such youngsters may build up a refusal of any specialists, hence expanding the odds of turning into a pained adolescent or a crook.

The tyrant child rearing style is frequently seen in profoundly strict families (or even networks). Such guardians regularly attempt to impart sentiments in their kids, for example, disgrace or blame, so as to have the option to control them through “sticking” these emotions. “Do what I state, or you are an awful kid,” “You ought to be embarrassed for doing/not doing either” are run of the mill expression models for such guardians. Notwithstanding disgrace or blame, dictator guardians regularly claim to higher specialists, for the most part to their networks or God. Thusly, dictator guardians unwittingly show their kid to imagine and to conceal their actual feelings and wants, accommodate and comply. It is imperative to recall, in any case, that in any event, while accommodating, somewhere inside such youngsters may abhor what they need to do, can’t help contradicting the principles and necessities; this can prompt high school disobedience, issues with the law in immaturity and adulthood, extreme family clashes, etc (IRF).

The tyrant model of child rearing, in spite of its appearing effectiveness, for the most part prompts results inverse to those it endeavors to accomplish. Tyrant parenthood frequently infers authority over a youngster’s life and feelings, a significant level of interest joined with a low degree of warmth and support, and the prerequisite of complete submission. This prompts a youngster building up various mental issues, for example, low confidence, hesitation, poor social adjustment, etc. At times, tyrant child rearing may lead an individual to perpetrate wrongdoing.


“The Authoritative Parenting Style.” N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Apr. 2015.

“Tyrant Parenting Style And Its Effects.” The Positive Parenting Center. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Apr. 2015.

“What You Should Not Do as a Parent.” IRF. N.p., 02 Oct. 2012. Web. 08 Apr. 2015.

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