Analyzing an environmental pollutant




Research an environmental pollutant, and compose a scholarly activity response that discusses the following aspects of the pollutant:

Identify the pollutant.

Discuss how this substance is produced and how it is used.

Explain how the pollutant is introduced and transferred throughout the environment.

Discuss the negative effect the pollutant has on the environment.

Provide two examples of the negative effects of the pollutant on the environment discussed in two peer-reviewed research articles.

Discuss how the negative effects of the pollutant on the environment impacts humans.




Sample Solution

Lead is a toxic environmental pollutant that can cause serious health issues in humans and other organisms when present for extended periods of time. It is most commonly used in the manufacturing of batteries, lead-based paints, ammunition, ceramic products and plumbing fixtures (United States Environmental Protection Agency [EPA], 2017). This substance is also an important component of gasoline in older vehicles before it was phased out as an additive due to its adverse effects on human health (Chenet et al., 2020). The production process involves mining minerals containing lead or recycling old items made up of this material.

The primary way lead enters the environment is through airborne particles released during smelting or burning processes associated with its extraction from oreas well as industrial operations utilizing this heavy metal to create products meant for commercial use. Additionally, it can also be transferred naturally through wind or water currents depositing contaminated dust particles different locations thus leading contamination various forms such soil sediments aquatic plants wildlife exposed them regularly . Furthermore ,lead emissions may come from recreational activities involving firearms discharging bullets made up entirely partially this particular element into atmosphere(Zhang et al., 2021). Overall, these sources contribute majority pollution found environment today should monitored closely order minimize risk people being adversely affected by their presence.


Retribution in Hamlet and The Revenger’s Tragedy

In this investigation of retribution and vengeance of Elizabeth ‘s retribution, the two plays I see are the “Hamlet” of William Shakespeare and “The Tragedy of Avengers” of Thomas Middleton. After first observing the treatment of the writer ‘s Avengers’ character, different characters in the play will deal with the Avengers. Despite the fact that their fundamental topic and shows are comparative, the two plays show a differentiating picture of retribution; as opposed to “Justice fighter’s misfortune”, Hamlet is an increasingly complex of his hero Provide treatment constrained by the creator’s social data and lacking

Shakespeare’s “Hamlet” shows the overall components found in the awfulness of the vengeance of the renaissance (“misfortune of retribution”). Be that as it may, despite the fact that Hamlet is a misfortune of vengeance, Shakespeare entangles the fundamental retribution plot by making three retribution plots. By including significant developments, Shakespeare makes ‘Ship of the Concentric Revenge Miwa’ (Frye 90) which is definitely not a physical legend yet a phantom, not an apparition, yet a scholarly saint who is an issue. did. viewpoint

Misfortune of retribution of Hamlet Shakespeare’s misfortune dramatization “Hamlet” is for the most part viewed as a misfortune of vengeance by artistic pundits. This article is proposed to clarify how Hamlet satisfies the requests of misfortune. In this reality that Hamlet about totally demonstrates that it is the awfulness of vengeance, this dramatization relates to the outflow of the “run of the mill” retribution misfortune of the Elizabethan time. Felice Abrams and Alan Brody invigorated us a progressively predictable consistency in “misfortune equation of Hamlet and Elizabeth’s retribution”: Hamlet’s demise remembers 10 passings for Hamlet There is “imaginary”

Hamlet and vengeance are hopeless organizations attempting retribution and those looking for retribution (Hamlet) in the long run face passing after the wrongdoing. History of misfortune of retribution Prosser’s view on Hamlet’s retribution “Legends are encouraged to fight back, as most misfortunes of retaliation, casualties or wrongdoings are straightforwardly identified with the hero” (Prosser) notwithstanding Hamlet There is likewise a play of Shakespeare. The impacts of the awfulness of vengeance incorporate Julius Caesar, Macbeth and Andronis. In Shakespeare ‘s paper by Shakespeare, Shakespeare centers around retribution and builds up the idea of death in the play. What is the awfulness of the retribution of the Elizabethan period? This is a misfortune, its thought process is retribution, and its primary plot incorporates the procedure of counter. The awfulness of vengeance in the end prompted the passing of the killer and the Avengers himself. In misfortune of retribution, we need three letters.


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