Ancient Greeks and Christianity


This unit focuses on the two opposing positions in ethical thought: objective vs subjective ethics. Objective
ethics is an appeal to a universal and absolute standard of ethics. As a universal standard, it is applicable to all
rational human beings, and because it is absolute there are no exceptions to the application of the moral law.
Subjective ethics can be understood as an acceptance of the impossibility of objective ethics and an appeal to
the individual in their development of ethical standards. Both, of course, have their issues and shortcomings.
As a preliminary investigation into ethics please respond to the following prompt:
imagine that, during a long and serious conversation, a close friend of yours claims that the questions and
projects of philosophical ethics are ultimately useless as truth (such as moral values) is impossible to acquire.
She believes all values are relative. How would you respond to your friend’s claims about philosophy?
Given that you may be new to philosophy, I understand that you may be a bit unfamiliar with the discipline of
philosophy. That’s OK. In addressing this question, simply answer it honestly and be sure to spell out your
stance as best you can. However, try to incorporate your understanding of the text and our topics as much as


Sample Solution


Stalking scenes can last half a month, to a couple of years, with even short times of stalking bringing about passionate pain and physical mischief (Mullen et al, 2009). Besides, around 20-40% of stalking exploited people are found to encounter side effects of mental issue because of being stalked (Pathé and Mullen, 1997). Stalking can likewise affect different parts of an injured individual’s life, with exploited people regularly wanting to cut themselves off from society by moving ceaselessly, evolving occupations, and being reluctant to leave their homes. Likewise with any wrongdoing, an unfortunate casualty can go to the police for help and data, yet a few exploited people feel that cops have not appeared to viably intercede and secure them.

As impacts can be so unfriendly, it is urgent for police reactions to be effective and paid attention to as they would with some other wrongdoing. Casualties of stalking have explicitly communicated that they feel ‘let somewhere near’ cops and investigators crosswise over England and Wales with respect to the help given to exploited people, and the moves made to handle the wrongdoing (Bulman, 2017). One stalking injured individual with respect to the police reaction to her charge, communicated “its arrived at the point where I really said to my mum one night, ‘guess what? I will be a story in the paper. I will be another of those young ladies that gets killed by her ex'” (The Independent, 2017). It is believed that cops regularly hold negative perspectives towards stalking cases, with unfortunate casualties feeling that they are not accepting the assistance that they believe they should, frequently bringing about genuine outcomes. This exploration tries to inspect cop frames of mind towards such claims, contending that the general demeanor to stalking is of aloofness to different wrongdoings.

1.1 Research Aims

The fundamental focal point of this exploration is to dissect how cops in the United Kingdom feel about examining stalking reports, by taking a gander at what these officials are destined to do when stalking cases are displayed to them. In particular, the goes for this bit of research is to:

1) Examine cop frames of mind and encounters towards stalking cases.

2) Examine how cops break down and research reports of stalking, and consider the ramifications of the methodologies that they utilize.

3) Question the extent of officials paying attention to reports of stalking

With the procedure and philosophy of the investigation, these points can be met using a compelling survey, and the appropriate responses gave from the respondents. Cautious thought has been taken with respect to the specific research question and technique, so as to increase a more noteworthy understanding into the points of view of cops, in the most effective way that is available.

1.2 Stalking Terminology

Stalking is firmly connected with the term provocation, with the Crown Prosecution Service (PHA Section 2, 1997), tending to the two terms as rehashed and undesirable conduct making alert or pain the person in question. Notwithstanding these terms connecting together, instances of stalking and badgering are regularly included under the aggressive behavior at home definition, bringing about abusive behavior at home lawful arrangements being pertinent.

Stalking is a wrongdoing of intensity and control, with the goal of scaring the person in question, anyway it very well may be isolated into two classifications. Physical stalking is the principal structure, which incorporates the demonstration of ordinary undesirable contact, standing around close to the person in question, sending undesirable blessings, the harming of exploited people property, or compromising the person in question (, 2015). The other type of stalking is digital stalking, which alludes to online provocation, anyway this exploration explicitly alludes to the physical stalking data set out by the Protection from Harassment Act (1997), because of the more extensive comprehension of its tendency. The CPS explicitly states online that the offense isn’t review, and is accessible to go about as a further choice for examiners to think about when choosing charges. The Protection from Harassment act (Section 2A-3, 1997) expresses a portion of the particular practices related with stalking rather than an exacting lawful definition, as:

(a) Following an individual

(b) Contacting, or endeavoring to contact, an individual using any and all means

(c) Loitering in wherever

(d) Interfering with any property in the ownership of an individual

(e) Watching or keeping an eye on an individual.

2-Literature Review

The key thoughts of the scholastic writing are investigated and tended to inside this section, isolated into subheadings, so as to unmistakably recognize every one of the thoughts. This writing survey will address past research encompassing stalking and how cases have been dealt with by the Criminal Justice framework, as exceptionally reported inside the media, so as to legitimize the requirement for this exploration.

Existing writing explicitly in regards to police reactions to stalking is fairly restricted, with the conduct frequently raising over some stretch of time, so it is important to comprehend police discernments on different sorts of wrongdoing so as to see how genuine officials take matters of stalking. The Crown Prosecution Service figures uncovered that during 2013/14, just 743 stalking cases were arraigned, in contrast with 9,792 provocation cases being indicted, expressing how just 1% of all revealed stalking cases brought about a charge and arraignment, in contrast with the 16% of badgering cases (Paladin, National Stalking Advocacy Service, 2015). These figures of reactions to aggressive behavior at home were even seen as not exactly satisfactory (Hattendorf and Tollerud, 1997, page 15). The criminal equity framework conveys a duty to all people, regardless of what the degree of reality the revealed wrongdoing might be, anyway figures have recommended that solitary a little extent of all stalking cases are being recorded by police, with the British Crime Survey (2015) detailing just 7,706 of stalking cases were recorded by police all through England and Wales, albeit 1.1 million individuals had encountered stalking over a time of a year. From this, the Suzy Lamplugh trust (2016) expressed that just about portion of stalking exploited people go to the police, as the individuals who are revealing such wrongdoings are being made to feel “like a disturbance and not an unfortunate casualty” (Stalking injured individual to the Guardian, 2016).

2.1 HMCPSI and HMIC Inspection

The main review to take a gander at the police and Crown Prosecution Service reactions to badgering and stalking was done by Her Majesty’s Crown Prosecution Service Inspectorate and Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary. The examination was directed in 2016/17 and intended to deliver the reactions to badgering and stalking wrongdoings. The report professed to discover proof that their administrations comprehended the dangers of such wrongdoings, and discovered instances of positive practice where injured individual’s needs were organized (HMIC, 2017), notwithstanding discovering individual officials and examiners who made positive move to ensure exploited people and research and arraign the culprits. Be that as it may, positive activity was just delineated after the unfortunate casualty made various reports. What’s more, the examination procedure was seen as great, anyway it was reliably trailed by poor injured individual consideration during the criminal equity process, and fruitful indictments were trailed by inability to apply for limiting requests.

The quantity of indictments for stalking likewise continued as before between 2014/15 and 2015/16, despite the fact that there was an expansion in stalking wrongdoings being recorded inside a similar period (HMCPSI and HMIC report, 2017, page 13). The assessment report additionally investigated the utilization of DASH frames, a model which was executed over all police benefits in the United Kingdom in 2009, which gives an agenda of inquiries to pose to casualties of residential maltreatment, stalking, and respect based savagery (Dash chance model, 2009). The report saw the DASH structure as a well-set up strategy for evaluating dangers to exploited people, and is in like manner use in most of police powers. The structure gives a hazard evaluation to casualties of wrongdoing, enabling data to be assembled in a steady technique, with a far reaching perspective on dangers looked by the person in question (HMIC report, 2017, page 41). Anyway the utilization of the structure doesn’t clarify the full degree of the wrongdoing, and gives no opportunity inside the appropriate responses. The inquiries inside the structure are not constantly significant to certain stalking exploited people, and can frequently be rejected with officials feeling that the inquiries are not proper with the specific case close by. It is likewise fundamental for officials to comprehend the genuine meaning of stalking, and for them to effectively recognize a stalking unfortunate casualty. In the event that an official is without such information, they can’t successfully utilize the DASH model, making it a bumbling and conflicting danger evaluation instrument.

The review was directed inside powers by the utilization of meetings with respondents comprising of senior and operational lead officials, and center gatherings comprising of cutting edge officials and accomplice offices. The ranking staff who were liable for badgering and stalking indictments were likewise met, alongside center gatherings with investigators (HMIC report, 2017, page 108). With such high-positioning people being met by entrenched groups, respondents may get unscrupulous in their answers, so as to demonstrate that they are carrying out their responsibilities to the right measures. Contrary to the review, this specific research on police reactions to stalking can give a fair bit of research, as cops are reacting to the polls with complete obscurity, along these lines giving progressively legit answers. As the analyst in this paper holds no preference towards the police administration, complete biasness is evaded in this examination, enabling progressively solid information to be gathered and broke down.

2.2 Criminal Justice Responses

All together for police reactions to be viable, cops ought to under

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