Ancient Near

How was Ancient Mesopotamia characteristic of civilization in general? Why is it the first society in which detailed historical study is possible? You should make references from the Uruk Period down to the Old Babylonian Period under Hammurabi (4300-1750 BC). There are lots of topics to write about: politics, religion, society, economy, art, etc. Briefly discuss the significance of the Assyrian Empire or Persian Empire. The Assyrians relied on fear and awe to rule over a vast empire. Address the militarism of the Assyrians and its artistic/monumental legacy of the excavated palaces (i.e. in Nineveh). It is acknowledged that the Persians created history’s first “world empire” composed of many different cultures and languages under the single rule of the “king of kings”. Discuss its form of imperial government and the religion of Zoroastrianism.

In the event that your essay is too short, then here’s an additional topic–let me know how Ancient Israel and the rise of Monotheism fits into the study of the Ancient Near East [this would be optional].


Sample Solution

xternal pressures including; war, scandals, significant governmental decisions, etc. have shown to be significant factors in the making of social policy. A very current example of this in action would be the plan to ‘merge six benefits into one payment’ (Buchanan, 2018) of universal credit that has been further delayed. ‘The system was supposed to be up and running by April 2017 but is now not expected to be fully operational until December 2023’ (Buchanan, 2018). Following the recent public decision to exit the European Union in 2016, many social policy implementations have not been placed in positions of priority. This therefore demonstrates how external pressures can work as a factor of influencing the making of social policy as they have the power to delay the implementation, or in some cases, completely stop them being implemented at all; regardless of the potential repercussions.

The way that a social problem is framed, and how much support it receives, is often dependent on how the media reports it. If a social problem is framed as a fault of an individual it has a significantly reduced chance of being resolved, than those that are framed as the fault of society not looking after their peers. In the past the issue of poverty was generally targeted as a fault of the individual, with the idea that people were taking advantage of the benefits scheme that the government was offering and that being ‘poor’ is the fault of the individual. Although this stigma can still be seen, it is not as common as it used to be; especially with research being made in the last decade that has shown that ‘for 2011-12 it is estimated that 0.8%, or £1.2bn, of total benefit expenditure was overpaid as a result of fraud. This is far lower than the figures widely believed by the public, as revealed repeatedly in opinion polls’ (Reporter, 2013). This evidence not only disproved the common thought that a large number of the public on benefits do not actually need them, but also proved that the majority of those who are on benefits depend on them. Additional evidence has also shown that the cause o

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