AP Government – U.S. Constitution


Using the websites indicated below, answer the questions as directed. In order to receive full credit for this assignment, you must answer each question accurately, completely, and in your own words. Students who share work will receive zero credit and be punished according to the school’s academic honesty guidelines.

You will use this Constitution Guide to prepare for a test during the second week of the fall semester; you will also refer to this guide throughout the year and when preparing for the AP US Government and Politics exam.

You should also know this stuff because: America!

Text of the US Constitution: US Constitution

Annenberg Guide, which explains each section of the Constitution: Constitution: What It Says, What It Means Archives

Explanation of the Constitution by the Congressional Research Service: US Constitution Annotated: Table Of Contents

1.What is the purpose of the Preamble to the Constitution?
The purpose of the Preamble is to give a summary of what the constitution is about and to assure that the United States is a free country with rights for all people which is why it begins with “We the People”
2.In your own words, according to the Preamble, what are the goals of the Constitution?
The goals of the constitution is to establish laws and rights for the people.
3.What is the purpose of each Article (section) of the Constitution? Summarize each in 1-2 sentences.
a.Article I:
b.Article II:
c.Article III:
d.Article IV:
e.Article V:
f.Article VI:
g.Article VII:
4.Questions about Article I:
a.What are the two branches of Congress?
b.What are the qualifications for serving in each branch of Congress?
c.How long is the term of service for each branch of Congress?
d.When determining how many representatives serve for each state, how are American Indians counted?
e.What does the phrase “three fifths of all other persons” mean for the purpose of counting the population of each state?
f.Web Search:
i.How many members does each branch of Congress have today?
ii.How many Representatives does the Commonwealth of Massachusetts send to Congress?
iii.Who is the Representative for the Cape and Islands Congressional District?
iv.Who are the two current Senators from Massachusetts?
g.Which branch of Congress is in charge of “raising revenue” (taxes)?
h.What happens to a bill after it passes in both houses of Congress?
i.What happens to a bill if the president does not approve it (veto)?
j.What is the role of the vice president in Congress?
k.List four powers of Congress listed in Article I, Section 8:

Sample Solution






Investigated Argument

Conversation of examination is by all accounts a significant piece of individuals’ life from the earliest starting point. Today, notwithstanding, the quantity of individuals who uphold changeless music is by all accounts diminishing, and it appears to be that the quantity of individuals concentrating just on financial security and center school educational plan is by all accounts expanding. The school’s spending plan has been diminished, and music programs are generally shown at the head of the rundown when they are disintegrated in a specific zone. Practices have been assumed against the loss of school music training, and the individuals who have attempted to save and reestablish this significant asset have made various amazing contentions.

Paper: This course comprises of 4 papers with a length of around 1000 words. These papers are self-portraying, engaging, evaluative, and research-arranged. Alongside research-based conversation articles, steady recommendations will be submitted before the gathering. The clarification of the paper is definite before the cutoff time. Reaction to the diary: Students are solicited to keep a duplicate from the diary. The diary incorporates extracurricular pieces and activities led outside the study hall. On the off chance that your main responsibility is to peruse the content, create reactions and examination, you will compose this in the answer journal. For the most part, we read out loud from the answer journal, so don’t compose something you don’t add something extra to your colleagues. I need to affirm the date and title of every journal

Diagram: In the order of the Research-Based Argument (RBA), understudies need to introduce very much upheld and concentrated conversations dependent on libraries and Web-based exploration. Finished papers should unmistakably comprehend the issues that it illuminates; discusses well with practical alternate points of view or numerous viewpoints; purposely, exquisitely and morally deliberately chose from sources chose from sources The point of the creator shows a sensible and suitable logical decision

It is a paper. It is significant for your examination to comprehend the primary contentions. Recognize themes and conversations. The topic is subjects, for example, undifferentiated organism research. This contention is an explanation that, for instance, “undeveloped cell research is imperative to discover a solution for malignant growth and ought not be restricted.” Academic papers are frequently found in abstracts and past passages. Model 1. By recognizing cross-direction kinship designs, this exploration shows which direct understudies can find out about the sexual assorted variety of sexual minority understudies. At the school level, transsexual fellowship is a scaffold between sexual minorities and direct understudy gatherings. . . The consequences of this overview show that these scaffolds depend on places identified with the limits of social gatherings. (From ‘Secondary School Interdisciplinary Friendship Model’ Kenichiro Ueno)






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