Architecture and Design


Amazing Architecture

Architecture and design represent one important side of delivering a security posture. That is what this book is all about: How does one go about achieving an architecture and an architectural design that represent the security needs for a system?

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Security architecture and design details how data security controls and safeguards are executed in IT systems to protect the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of the data that are used, processed, and stored in those systems. Essentially, Security Architecture and Design designates important logical hardware, operating system, and software security constituents, and their use to design, architect, and evaluate secure computer systems. Understanding these fundamental issues is critical for an information security professional. Security Architecture and Design is a three-part domain. The first part covers the hardware and software required to have a secure computer system. The second part covers the logical models required to keep the system secure, and the third part covers evaluation models that quantify how secure the system really is.

According to Caschera (2013), the three biggest challenges facing adult learners are balancing school and life, accessibility and costs. The realisation of how time management is essential when deciding to enter or re-enter education is evident in all aspects of living. ‘The Balancing Act’ is detrimental to the success of progression, but many adult learners have family and work obligations. Furthermore, these ‘additional responsibilities can lead to stress and frustration for adult learners.’ It is then considered that accessibility is linked to time commitments and therefore attendance to classes may become more difficult during the regular course timetable, as employment and childcare may cause conflict. In turn, reluctance in the pursuit of higher education may occur. The long-term cost of higher education can also have a major impact on adult learners living situations.
However, knowledge of these concerns is being addressed by many educational institutes, resulting in more flexible options being made.
Moreover, positive information is given first and then the concerns are then listed after, giving the backward impression that the concerns are the dominant issues. Concerns therefore may not have occurred to some adult learners and still may not have any effect on further studies.
This piece of literature is written by London Council for Adult Education Co-

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