Art History

Part A Briefly define art history as an academic field based on your understanding of the readings in the textbook Introduction. Next, discuss two of the natural and human threats to artworks that concern contemporary art historians. Provide specific examples of threats, the artworks involved, and how these threats affect the interpretation of the works by art historians. Your discussion should be based on the information in the textbook Introduction and throughout the textbook and lecture readings of the first four (4) lessons.

Part B Explain the construction of megalithic architecture and dome building, tracing its history from pre-historic art to the Renaissance. Begin your discussion describing the architectural innovations of the tomb in Newgrange, Ireland and connect these innovations with subsequent examples of the tholos tombs in Greece, to the Pantheon in Rome and conclude with the Florence Cathedral. Your discussion should include a definition of terms you use as defined in the textbook readings and demonstrate an understanding of the connections these buildings have in common.

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Madagascar, a previous French province, has been assaulted by military upsets, political viciousness, and debasement for quite a long time. It is an economy with numerous undiscovered characteristic assets, no capital markets, a powerless legal framework, inadequately implemented agreements, and wild government defilement. Agribusiness, including angling and ranger service, is a backbone of the economy, representing more than one-fourth of GDP and utilizing generally 80% of the populace. Deforestation and disintegration, and the utilization of kindling as the essential wellspring of fuel, are not kidding worries to the farming ward economy. Madagascar creates around 80% of the world's vanilla inventory; despite the fact that supply was obliged by typhoon related harm in 2017, global interest drove costs to record highs, expanding send out income for Malagasy vanilla.

The nation faces difficulties to improve instruction, social insurance, and the earth to support long haul financial development. Subsequent to disposing of communist financial arrangements which demonstrated shocking for Madagascar in the mid-1990s, Madagascar followed a World Bank and IMF drove approach of privatization and progression until the beginning of a political emergency, which kept going from 2009 to 2013. The procedure had set the nation on a gradual development way from an amazingly low beginning stage. Fares of attire blasted in the wake of picking up obligation free access to the US in 2000; be that as it may, Madagascar's inability to consent to the prerequisites of the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) prompted the end of the nation's sans obligation access in January 2010, a sharp fall in material creation, and lost in excess of 100,000 occupations. Madagascar recaptured AGOA access in January 2015 after the law based appointment of another president the earlier year. Madagascar's money related part stays frail, constraining the utilization of fiscal strategy to control swelling, however continuous IMF endeavors mean to reinforce monetary and speculation the board limit.

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