Article Analysis



Create a visual map or network of the 8 sources you will write about in your Literature Review.

Before you can contribute your own argument, you need to really know what arguments have already been made. You need to be able to explain the arguments that people are already making succinctly, clearly, and without adding your own opinion. You need to be able to synthesize those arguments, or identify and discuss their points of intersection and points of divergence. In other words, you’ll think about positions and places where some arguments overlap or come together and work with each other, as well as the the positions and places where some arguments disagree or push and work against each other. Visualizing these points of intersection and points of divergence through a map or network will help you understand how to put synthesis in practice in your Literature Review and beyond.

The articles you will discuss in your Literature Review will likely use different argumentative strategies, and they talk to and against each other, sometimes explicitly and sometimes implicitly. In fact, sometimes they talk about the same topic, but they don’t explicitly cite each other or similar sources. Your job in this assignment is to identify and visualize the points and ways in which the articles overlap and support each other and the points and ways in which the articles diverge and disagree with each other.


Mapping a conversation is easier said than done. What if a particular article connects with another article in some ways but diverges in other ways? This will certainly be the case. And it may be the case that a particular article belongs in two “camps.” It is your job to figure out what the “camps” are, and to figure out how to locate different articles/authors in those camps. Here are some things to look for while you are rereading the articles and planning out your map:

Ideas and Terminology: You can also find points of convergence and divergence in the ways ideas are put into relationship with each other.

Do the articles use the same vocabulary?
Do the articles use the same terms to label the same ideas?
Do the articles use the same terms together, or do they include and exclude particular terms and/or ideas?
Do they differ in which ideas they think are the most important?
Do the articles differ in sources that are attributed to the same ideas or do they use the same sources?
Citation: You can often find points of convergence and divergence in the ways an article cites or references other scholarship.

Do the articles reference each other?
Do some articles cite or otherwise reference the same authors and/or articles?
Do some of the texts in the conversation agree with an article or body of research while others disagree with it?

Your visual map needs to include the titles of the 8 sources and their authors, the ideas around which different authors/articles converge, and an indication of how they approach those ideas. The ideas might be thought of as clusters, and the authors who approach the ideas (clusters) in similar ways might be thought of as a camp within that cluster. Camps will be the points of convergence or divergence within a cluster. The indications of relationship will be found in the way you label different cluster/camps, and those relationships may also be found in the lines that connect different cluster/camps. Remember, even when camps disagree, they are still part of a cluster and are connected through their relationship to ideas; disagreement is still a connection. Likewise, two camps may be part of a cluster because they explain an idea in a different, but not necessarily oppositional, way. Therefore, they are connected in that they each discuss the topic, but they diverge in how they discuss the topic. Each “cluster/camp” needs to be labeled and connected in some fashion to other camps/clusters.

KEY: You must not fall into the pro/con trap. You’ll find that there are many ideas and that while they are oriented to the same topic, and while they discuss the same topic, they don’t simply disagree with each other. The map needs to show the complexity of the conversation. The map cannot simplify the conversation into a “for” cluster/camp and an “against” cluster/camp.

Although the map can look how you want it to, a common way to create it would be as a network. The network allows you to show clusters of authors that have congealed into a camp, while also indicating lines of connection.



Sample Solution

proved. (Mill 2006: 259) His justification for colonialism in “Considerations” is therefore a great contradiction to his commitment to individual liberty. This suggests that his view that colonialism led to more individual liberty for the people was an idea rather than a definitive policy. (Isak 2007: 359-400). Mill’s justification that colonialism will nurture the people to adopt the principle of individual liberty also contradicts all his arguments for non-intervention in the case of a civilised nation; that liberty must be gained through an arduous struggle and that aid by a foreign power to obtain liberty has negative long term affects. Firstly, it could be argued that if an arduous struggle is the only way people can gain liberty, then how are the British going to artificially prepare the people for liberty? Secondly, there were examples of arduous struggles against British rule in India and yet Mill still supported British control over these people. For example, the Sepoy Mutiny in India in 1857-59 involved the majority of the population. (Ryan 2014: 1-14) To add to this great contradiction, the same year (1859) as the mutiny Mill even wrote in “A Few Words on Non-Intervention” about how people must be given self-rule if they fight for it. (Mill 2006: 262) Although Mill may argue that these “barbarians” are not yet civilised enough to know that they want this freedom, Hamburger questions how Mill is to judge who is ready to decide their own governance through individual liberty? (Hamburger 1999 in Tunick 2006: 601). A further contradiction is Mill’s belief that it is unfair for a foreign power to prevent the people from overthrowing it and he even believes foreign oppression would warrant an invasion from another foreign power to correct the imbalance and create a fair struggle. (Mill 2006: 262) Tunick has tried to argue that there was greater corruption in India prior to British rule hence at least the British gave the people a chance of gaining liberty which they would not have had. (Tunick 2006: 601) However, this argument actually contradicts Mills belief that foreign intervention in this situation was unhealthy, as the State could easily become reliant on foreign support and this could lead to another civil war or oppressive government when the foreign power leaves. Hence, if foreign control could lead to this situation, this clearly would not give the people more liberty and this undermines Mills argument that the local people of India will one day have been pedagogically coerced enough to be able to take over from British rule. Furthermore, through imposing British ideas of individual liberty on these “uncivilised” communities he is being narrow minded in assuming he knows what is best for these countries and is in fact taking away the liberty of these people to decide how they interact. This is because his arguments are based on a fundamental misunderstanding of the culture of Asia and Africa, which put a greater emphasis on social obligation. (Doyle 2009: 365) What’s more, through Mill’s assumption that he can educate the Indians to want self-rule and individual liberty he is contradicting his own idea that the demand for change must come from within the country. Based on this argument surely the colonisers should have suggested the idea of individual liberty, instead of imposing it, so that the people were more likely to fight to maintain this liberty as they had chosen it themselves. Mill’s response to this would be that they are not yet capable of deciding this for themselves, but it could equally be argued that slaves can only learn to be free when they are given freedom.

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