Assessment Types


select a grade level K-3 and a state standard.

Use the “Assessment Types” template to list three learning objectives aligned to the state standard you selected. Keep in mind, learning objectives are designed to identify what the teacher intends to measure during learning. These must be aligned with the standard. When creating objectives, an educator must consider who the audience is, what action verb will be measured, and what tools will be used to meet the learning.

Once you have finalized the objectives and they align to the standard, create two formative assessment strategies, and one summative assessment strategy for each learning objective aligned to the state standard. At least one of the formative assessment strategies should include the use of technology and provide immediate guided feedback for the student on his or her learning.

In a 250-500 word reflection, justify and evaluate how the assessment strategies developed will check for understanding and measure learning success during instruction to support instructional planning and practices in the growth and development of young children


Sample Solution

Grade Level: 2

State Standard:

ELA.2.RL.1. Ask and answer such questions as who, what, where, when, why, and how to demonstrate understanding of key details in a text.

Learning Objectives:

  • LO1: Students will be able to ask and answer who, what, where, when, why, and how questions about key details in a fiction text with 90% accuracy on a formative assessment.
  • LO2: Students will be able to ask and answer who, what, where, when, why, and how questions about key details in a nonfiction text with 90% accuracy on a formative assessment.
  • LO3: Students will be able to write a short paragraph that answers who, what, where, when, why, and how questions about key details in a fiction or nonfiction text with 90% accuracy on a summative assessment.

Formative Assessment Strategies:

  • Technology-Based Formative Assessment: Students will use a quiz app to answer who, what, where, when, why, and how questions about a fiction or nonfiction text that they have read. The app will provide immediate feedback to the student on their answers.
  • Group Discussion: Students will participate in a small group discussion about a fiction or nonfiction text that they have read. The teacher will circulate around the room and listen to the students’ discussions. The teacher will ask follow-up questions to assess the students’ understanding of the key details in the text.

Summative Assessment Strategy:

  • Short Paragraph: Students will write a short paragraph that answers who, what, where, when, why, and how questions about key details in a fiction or nonfiction text that they have read. The teacher will assess the student’s paragraph for accuracy and completeness.

Justification and Evaluation of Assessment Strategies

The assessment strategies that I have developed are designed to check for understanding and measure learning success during instruction to support instructional planning and practices in the growth and development of young children.

The technology-based formative assessment allows students to practice answering who, what, where, when, why, and how questions about a fiction or nonfiction text in a fun and engaging way. The app provides immediate feedback to the student on their answers, which helps them to learn from their mistakes.

The group discussion formative assessment allows students to collaborate with their peers to answer who, what, where, when, why, and how questions about a fiction or nonfiction text. The teacher can assess the students’ understanding of the key details in the text by listening to their discussions and asking follow-up questions.

The short paragraph summative assessment allows students to demonstrate their understanding of the key details in a fiction or nonfiction text by writing a paragraph that answers who, what, where, when, why, and how questions. The teacher can assess the student’s paragraph for accuracy and completeness.

All of the assessment strategies that I have developed are aligned with the state standard that I selected. They are also appropriate for the grade level that I selected. The assessment strategies are also designed to be fair and unbiased.

I believe that these assessment strategies will be effective in checking for understanding and measuring learning success during instruction to support instructional planning and practices in the growth and development of young children.

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