Assyrian and Persian Empire


contrast and compare how the Assyrians versus the Persian first created and later governed their empires

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Assyrian and Persian Empire

The Assyrian and the Persian Empires were two empires that were very successful in their own right. Both empires differed in how they were governed and how they treated the citizens of their empires. However, regardless of the major differences, there were still a few similarities between the two of them. Both empires ruled in Mesopotamia at different times, had advanced weapons and military techniques, and they were both monarchies. The Assyrian Empire as a whole was a rather successful empire. Kings of this empire had total power. They put an end to nobles being able to govern and started a new hierarchal system, which helped them secure more control over the empire`s assets. The Persians appointed local satraps over the people and ruled with tolerance.

hese points have been made to argue that Donald Trump is using presidential communication for the benefit of himself and to solidify his support among his core base. Trump though does have a legion of followers that agree with him and would disagree with what this paper has argued. An example of a rebuttal that the Trump base would argue for is that the ‘fake news” that Trump points to do really have preconceived bias towards the Democrats and will only support them. This occurs not only in the newspapers, but on global television networks that he believes is biased against him. That reasoning is his explanation for only appearing and giving interviews to the networks he likes, such as Fox News, so he is able to converse without interruption. This reasoning continues when discussing the use of his preferred communication technology, Twitter. Arguments for the president when it comes to Twitter are that he doesn’t lash out against his opponents, but speaks the truth, which he is allowed to do as a citizen. Indeed, some see this “as a positive hallmark” (McKechnie 2) of the age because Trump is able to speak freely and not be controlled by his advisors. Rebuttals like this are clear and can be debated, but what cannot be debated is that the president focuses his use of social media towards his base and that he is not concerned about trying to broaden that base to any great degree. These rebuttals show that Trump just requires an audience, as he did when he was a reality-television star, which is not exactly presidential.

As is clear, Trump has flipped around the notion that presidential political communications are about reaching out beyond partisan boundaries to try and talk to be broadest group of the American public. Trump does not care if his presidential political communications generate a negative image of the president, which has certainly contributed to Trump having a historically low approval rating of 28% (Enten Modern presidents have almost unanimously acted in ways that are consistent with the concept of a rhetorical presidency by using new communications tools to create a stronger connection with the public. Obama was, in this regard, a typ

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