Astronomy Star Project



Some people spend money to have a star named after them (it’s a scam, don’t do it!). Others wish on stars. You will be assigned your own “personal” star that you are to study in greater detail by applying the material from the course lectures, textbook, videos, and sources on the Internet. For some aspects, you will need to research your star using other external resources, including the Internet. Be sure you cite all your references!
There is no prescribed format or length for this project. Instead, you are encouraged to use your own creativity. Possible formats could include a PowerPoint presentation, a video presentation, a podcast, a web page, a poster or even a standard written report. Be creative! Feel free to include graphics, hyperlinks, music, bulleted lists, etc… Regardless of the format that you use, your project must clearly include (and identify) the following information about your star:
1. Distance, Location, Names, and Magnitude.
a. How far away is your star? Compare/contrast this with our Sun.
b. Where is your star located?
c. How would you go about finding it in the Maryland (or your local) night sky?
d. What other names does your star have?


Sample Solution

Astronomy Star Project

Mu Arae, often designated HD 160691, officially named Cervantes sur-VAN-teez, is a main sequence G-type star approximately 50 light-years away from the Sun in the constellation of Ara. Cervantes is a main sequence star type star. Cervantes is not part of the ARA constellation but is within the borders of the constellation. Based on the spectral type (G5V) of the star, the star`s color is yellow. The star can be seen with the naked eye. For Cervantes, the location is 17h 44m 08.72 and -51 50` 00.9. Cervantes has an apparent magnitude of 5.12, this is a measure of the brightness of the star as seen from Earth.

Also, via expanding globally (i.e. the development of multinational companies) , the size of the market greatly increases. For example, if 1 out of 6 UK citizens are interested in an X product, it is obvious that respectively, more citizens in the world’s market will be interested in the same product. Therefore, becoming “multinational” not only contributes in the augment of the firms’ profits and gives exposure to more markets but also adds more costumers to the company’s potential database. Moreover, expanding a company’s market, helps increase the world’s GDP, something that constitutes a crucial factor in the outcome of the world’s economy.

Furthermore, as the market is becoming more global-especially through internet- it is a case of “multinational to survive”. More specifically, various companies use the Internet, the greatest innovation of our times, in order to advertise and sell their products. In that way, competition for small companies/firms increases by a high rate, putting companies that use the Internet in advanced position compared that tend to not use it.

Hence, the amount of companies that use the Internet in order to sell their products rapidly increases, making the market global, interconnecting several countries’ market and leading to the boost of multinational corporations.

Moreover, another important factor for firms to develop into multinational companies is cheap labour and cheaper raw materials in several countries abroad. These two factors have a great impact on a company’s profits since they reduce unit costs and hence increase the final profit. Therefore, a firm developing into a multinational company, not only by augment of income (since the company’s product will be available for a larger population) but also by means of reduction of unit costs. Hence, at the simultaneously a company can reduce its unit costs and increase its incomes by just joining another country’s market (i.e. becoming “multinational”).

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