Attitude Checklist



As a leader, how important is it that people hired have the same values as the firm? Could there be a situation where this matters or not? Explain.
Examine Table 11.1, 11.2 and 11.3. Describe two points from the textbook that you believe ties back to a particular point or two on the Checklist for Attitudes. Explain.
Explain why this checklist information pertaining to patients and families is important to apply.
If you were a patient in a facility, relate why this checklist information would be relevant to you.
If you were a family member who had a patient in the facility, describe why the checklist for a health care professional would be important to you.
How do we as health care leaders model collaboration with patients and their families?



Sample Solution


What is Omi and Winant’s racial development hypothesis and what are racial tasks?

Sociologists Michael Omi and Howard Winant characterize racial arrangement as a “sociohistorical build in which the importance of race is characterized and challenged through society, in both aggregate activity and individual practice and all the while, racial classes themselves are framed, changed, obliterated, and re-shaped” (Rothenberg, 2016). Racial development is practiced by “truly arranged tasks in which human bodies and social structures are spoken to and sorted out” (Rothenberg, 2016). Racial development is a persuasive procedure with the relationship going in the two bearings; the possibility of a specific race nourishes back to regular and is fortified by specific practices, for example, social contrasts, which are noticeable because of the practices. Racial tasks are instances of the racial arrangement hypothesis and are “[… ] at the same time an understanding, portrayal, or clarification of racial elements, and an exertion rearrange and redistribute assets along specific racial lines” (Omi and Winant, 2014).

What is stratification and strong disparity?

Stratification are the disparities between individuals in socially characterized classifications, for example, race, class, and sexual orientation, described by differential access to rare assets, for example, salary, riches, race, instruction, influence, status, and social capital. Stratification comes down to the assignment of individuals and the systematization of procedures with respect to the allotment of assets. The term solid imbalance originates from Tilly (1999) who expresses that strong disparity depends vigorously on the standardization of all out sets and is recreated by abuse and opportunity accumulating systems, for example, separation, unjustifiable treatment, and consistent practices by the affluent to keep others from accomplishing assets. Abuse lays on inconsistent dispersion of remunerations and these components cause private isolation, lodging separation, aversion of training which are imbedded in establishments, economy, social practices, generalizations, and so on.

How does Los Angeles fill in as a contextual investigation for racial arrangement, racial activities, stratification, and solid imbalance?

While Los Angeles is a multicultural city, it serves an incredible case of a contextual analysis for racial arrangement, racial activities, stratification, and sturdy disparity. There are numerous financial procedures happening in Los Angeles that strengthens who the other is and there are numerous systems that make sturdy bigotry. Los Angeles province was worked as a racial undertaking and based on the backs of individuals of venders (Latinos, Blacks, Asians) with the goal that whites could hold their financial favorable circumstances. We can see Los Angeles as a contextual analysis by concentrating explicitly on how Los Angeles has built Mexican Americans as the “other”.

The racial fight between Mexican Americans and whites happened back even before California was a piece of the United States. Significantly after the war energized by Manifest Destiny, a tenet that guaranteed that the U.S. had a fate to possess the North American mainland, essentially a racial task of racial domination, finished, racial loathe proceeded with Los Angeles development accomplished by detesting Mexicans and migrants. White business people occupied with racial undertakings of the partition of nonwhites as various to hold control and financial power during the 1850s. Under the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, rancheros were to be respected yet the 1851 Act went to make rancheros give confirmation that they claim land and the limits of their property. This was with an end goal to chop down markers as it was exorbitant to strip the ranchos. The administration began saddling the land and the rancheros couldn’t cover the duties and hence were kicked out. The demonstration by the administration exhibited the intensity of whites as one institutional instrument of racial oppression. Mexicans were viewed as second rate and Whites unrivaled.

Another case of Los Angeles as an undertaking of racial development is with the Spanish Fantasy Past. Los Angeles was depicted with numerous bogus pictures about their history. In promoting occasions, Los Angeles was viewed as a lovely and lively city with a pleasant and inviting Spanish past. The San Fernando Heights Lemon Association turned Helen Hunt Jackson’s “Ramona” to extend a picture of sentimental, suggestive, sexualized Southern California. La Fiesta de Los Angeles was made to openly whitewash the adobe past and make qualifications that were cemented in celebratory manners and show that harmony had been accomplished and to commend the triumph of the Manifest Destiny. The Spanish Fantasy Past was a development of Los Angeles as a racial venture as a making of individuals as naturally better or sub-par than hold benefit and power as a major aspect of a sociohistorical procedure. Human bodies were sorted out in specific manners as implications of racial prevalence and inadequacy and underestimation. This racial venture of organizing of gatherings was the industrialist change of Los Angeles.

Remember for these 3 models explicit arrangements or organizations that exhibit how racial undertakings sway the structure of Los Angeles.

Los Angeles has initiated numerous racial ventures that have affected its structure. A while ago when there were numerous new migrants coming into Los Angeles, there were prohibitive racial agreements established. As migrants kept on relocating, they were always kept out of white neighborhoods because of racially prohibitive agreements which were first presented during the 1800s yet across the board during the 1920s. Racial prohibitive contracts were not law but rather written in property deeds among venders and purchasers. It was composed into gets that houses couldn’t be offered to those not white as real estate professionals were occupied with racially guiding agreements to keep out Mexicans, Blacks, Asians, and Jews. There was an “imperceptible mass of steel” and it was difficult for outsiders to get advances, making property proprietorship troublesome. Property proprietorship became compared with race and naturalization of isolation because of sturdy imbalance.

The Chinese Exclusion Act likewise extraordinarily affected the structure of Los Angeles. The Chinese were exposed to badgering, work misuse, and a huge swath of exclusionary national and state measures, quite the 1882 Chinese Exclusion Act, which seriously restricted their migration to the United States (Pulido, Barraclough and Cheng). The Chinese Exclusion Act (1882) was the primary law by Congress that banished a specific gathering from entering the U.S. for a long time. After the Chinese work source was cut off, agriculturalists froze about the auxiliary work market and campaigned to not cut off migration from Mexico. Mexicans turned into the new work drive and have gotten significant to all piece of the work business today.

Another racial task that has affected Los Angeles is the situation of Chavez Ravine. Chavez Ravine comprised of three semirural Mexican American people group whose areas were undermined and at last crushed because of the Los Angeles Planning Commission’s choice to grow new lodging in cursed regions. It guaranteed that rents would be founded on a sliding scale, new lodging would be racially comprehensive, and that inhabitants uprooted by any land procurement would have first possibility at the new lodging, yet following a time of lawful and political fight, the lodging ventures never happened, and numerous families lost their homes and moved into neighborhoods with rents higher than they expected (Pulido, Barraclough and Cheng) The narrative of Chavez Ravine shows how minorities have been affected by the city’s debasement, governmental issues, and the diligent relocation of Mexicans.

How have inhabitants of Los Angeles endeavored to oppose imbalance?

Los Angeles is known to be an exceptionally liberal and dynamic city that has taken numerous endeavors to oppose imbalance. The city has proposed numerous enactments and claims to go around and fix Donald Trump’s plan on migration and other liberal causes. Activists in Los Angeles have made grassroots battles to shield occupants from the White House’s assaults and because of weight from inhabitants, California legislators have received the most sweeping “asylum state” law in the nation, confining police from interrogating individuals concerning citizenship status and restricting collaboration with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) (Levin 2018). The state has likewise tested Trump’s movement restriction on Muslim-larger part nations and his choice to end DACA (Levin 2018). There were likewise several dissenters who rioted of DTLA in November 2017 to challenge the Trump organization and its strategies.

What sort of city do you see Los Angeles turning out to be later on?

While Los Angeles is known to be an extremely liberal and dynamic city loaded up with various races, I accept that Los Angeles is still a long way from accomplishing fairness and there will in any case keep on being fights among the races. There will be a multiracial example of racial chain of command and ethnoracial imbalance. This ethnoracial future depicted by Schmidt (2010) sees an example that incorporates triangulation among different racialized gatherings and that slanders, prohibits, as well as pits minority bunches contrary to one another in numerous manners, however that efficiently bolsters different types of political, social, and financial preferred position for a relentlessly diminishing White, European-source populace. There are still examples of bigotry, segregation, and imbalance going on inside Los Angeles with chains of command predominant even in the working environment with cases, for example, wage burglary and dangers by managers to expel foreigners because of the Trump organization. As Tiffany Hsu and Chris Kirkham depict in their article (2014), of in excess of 1,600 Labor Department examinations concerning the Southern California piece of clothing industry since 2009, 89% discovered infringement. The division has reco




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