Augmented And Virtual Reality Gaming – Project




In this assignment, you will create a timeline of the history of virtual reality (VR) gaming up through the present, and then make predictions of VR technologies that you expect or hope to see in the future. Use a presentation software (such as PowerPoint or Prezi) to create the timeline. Be sure to cite any resources for images and other content.

Your timeline should include:

at least five different VR history entries
descriptions of each entry: name, date, company, features, and any negatives/issues
two fictional entries of what you predict for the future of virtual reality, based on the current trends in virtual reality and gaming
name, date, and detailed descriptions of each fictional entry
Review the rubric below to see how you will be graded.


Sample Solution

Virtual reality, also known as VR, has likely been seen or attempted by the majority of people by 2019. You may have tried a very primitive version of virtual reality with Google Cardboard, in which you could look about and see a 360-degree view of yourself. You could have even tried full-fledged virtual reality with the HTC Vive or Oculus Rift, where you could not only gaze around but also move and explore the new and strange environment. Some consider virtual reality to be a transitory fad, while others hail it as the next great thing in computing. Regardless of this,

at the genesis of a great man depends on the long series of complex influences which has produced the race in which he appears, and the social state into which that race has slowly grown….Before he can remake his society, his society must make him.” There is evidence to support for and against the great man theory. The suggestion that some people are natural leaders and therefore must have been born with some of the traits that make a good leader. However, individuals can learn and develop traits that will make them a good leader. Being self-aware and education goes somewhat to developing an individual. Herbert Spencer’s theory supports the idea that the situation and group characteristic are a key element of good leadership. Stogdill first survey indicated that an individual does not become a leader solely because he or she possesses certain traits. Rather, the traits that leaders possess must be relevant to the situation in which the leader is functioning or found them self in . In today’s society leadership is in general, not a standalone individual. The leader is supported by a team of advisors to guide the leader in making an informed decision. What makes a good leader is how the decision is communicated to the followers. As we have heard earlier in the paper, Charles de Gaulle was brought up in a patriotic environment. His upbringing shaped his beliefs and his determination to peruse them. Therefore he was not born patriotic, this was learned in adolescence. We have heard that he was intellectual, again a consequence of his upbringing. Encouraged to learn, he followed his mother’s desire to read and digest information. These basic foundations set de Gaulle up in to continue this later on in his military and political career. Trait Theory Analysis The trait theory is intuitively appealing. It fits clearly with the notion that leaders are the individuals who are out front and leading the way in our society. This fits with the concept of a hierarchical organisation that is seen in businesses, to include government, where most countries have an elected or appointed leader. However, it could be argued that elected or appointed leaders are not necessarily good leaders and they are not necessary elected for the traits they display. Therefore not all leaders will display traits that are linked to good leadership. There is century’s worth of research into the trait theory and no other theory can boast of the breadth and depth of the studies conducted, which are continued up to the present day. This has to be a strong indicator that there is something in this theory. The theory is leader-centric and highlights the leader component in the leadership process. This could also be seen as a weakness because as proven in more recent theorie

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